February 24 Colloquium: "The Curious Case of Carbon efficiency in Sustainable Systems"

Talk Abstract

Mitigating climate change effects will involve attaining a zero-carbon economy, where existing infrastructures shift away from carbon-based electricity and transition to zero-carbon energy sources that do not increase greenhouse gases. At the same time, computing demand continues to increase as new applications and services proliferate in our everyday lives. Unfortunately, this will increase the overall energy demand of computing systems and can significantly impact carbon emissions. While current research has mostly focused on reducing the energy footprint, in this talk, we will discuss how improving energy efficiency does not translate to the goal of zero emissions. More importantly, carbon efficiency can be optimized independently of energy efficiency. Toward this end, I will present some examples of mitigating emissions and some directions toward designing carbon-efficient infrastructures.


Stephen Lee is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Pittsburgh. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2019. His research focuses on areas in computer systems, including distributed systems and cyber-physical systems, with an emphasis on sustainability. He has been the recipient of the UMass Amherst Best Dissertation Award and multiple awards at leading conferences for his contributions to energy systems. 


Sennott Square Building, Room 5317


Friday, February 24 at 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

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