Given Figures 5.16 and 5.17, specify the settings of the control signals for the instruction: beq $t0,$t1,label Note: the bottom of page 305 states that the 9 control signals shown in Figure 5.17 are the ones listed in Figure 5.16 + ALUop1 and ALUop0. However, there is an error. Figure 5.17 includes the signal "branch" (which is correct), while Figure 5.16 lists "PCSrc" instead, which is a holdover from Figure 5.15 (we replaced PCSrc with the and-gate). On the exam, if a bit is X (doesn't matter), that will need to be indicated. Since ALUop1 and ALUop2 were not in the second figure, I didn't take a point off for excluding it. If someone got everything right, their grade is 5.7 / 5.0 Figure 5.17: RegDest = X doesn't matter Branch = 1 This is PCSrc in Figure 5.16. MemRead = 0 MemtoReg = X doesn't matter, since RegWrite is 0 ALUop1, ALUop2 = the op for sub (which is 01, but that wasn't supplied) MemWrite = 0 ALUSrc = 0 RegWrite = 0 Figure 5.16: RegDest = X doesn't matter RegWrite = 0 ALUSrc = 0 PCSrc = 1 if this were a control signal to the MUX, it's value would be 1 MemRead = 0 MemWrite = 0 MemtoReg = X doesn't matter, since RegWrite is 0 ALUop1, ALUop2: the op for sub (which is 01, but that wasn't supplied)