from __future__ import nested_scopes import string from utils import * import copy """ Partial-Order Planning usage: python 1 to run, e.g., planning problem 1 hardcoded in this file. """ #========================== class Node: def __init__ (self,state,statename=[],parent=[],depth=0,gval=0,hval=None): self.state = state if statename: self.statename = statename else: self.statename = state self.parent = parent self.depth = depth self.gval = gval self.hval = hval def printNode(self): print( "State: ", self.statename, " Gval=",self.gval,end="") print(" Hval=",self.hval,"depth=",self.depth,end="") if self.parent: print(" Parent state:", self.parent.statename) else: print("root node") def inlineprintNode(self): strings = ["(depth:", ", gval:",", hval:",", fval:"] nums = [str(self.depth),str(self.gval),\ str(h(self)),str(self.gval + h(self))] s = "" for i in range(4): s = s + strings[i] if int(nums[i]) < 10: s = s + " " if int(nums[i]) < 100: s = s + " " s = s + nums[i] s = s + ")" print(self.statename,s) def makeNodes (n, succStates): return [Node(s,parent=n,depth=1+n.depth,\ gval=n.gval+edgecost(n.state,s))\ for s in succStates] #=====Utils (to help create propositionalized versions of FOL actions) def cr(l,e): r=copy.copy(l) r.remove(e) return r def perm(l): if len(l)==0: return [[]] else: res=[([h]+t) for h in l for t in perm( cr(l,h) )] return res def astr(name,vals): s = name + "(" if vals: s = s + str(vals[0]) for r in vals[1:]: s = s + "," + str(r) s = s + ")" return s # ======================= # States are plans class Plan: def __init__ (self,steps=[],ordercons = [],causallinks=[],\ openconds=[],threats=[]): global gensymplan self.steps = steps #[step] self.ordercons = ordercons #[(step,step)] self.causallinks = causallinks #[(step,proposition,step)] self.openconds = openconds #[(proposition,step)] self.threats = threats #[causallink,threateningstep] self.hval = -1 self.comment = "" #for readability of output gensymplan = gensymplan + 1 = "plan" + str(gensymplan) #for readability of output # Cheap, readable self-documentation. PROP_CL = 1 # prop of a CausalLink (s,p,s) is item 1 STEP1_CL = 0 # step1 of a CausalLink (s,p,s) is item 0 STEP2_CL = 2 # step2 of a CausalLink (s,p,s) is item 2 CL_THREAT = 0 # causal link of a threat ((s,p,s),s) is item 0 STEP_THREAT = 1 # step of a threat ((s,p,s),s) is item 1 PROP_OC = 0 # prop of an open condition (p,s) is item 0 STEP_OC = 1 # step of an open condition (p,s) is item 1 def printstate(state,wantcomment=1): print( "") print(, "-----") if wantcomment and state.comment: print( state.comment) print ("steps:",state.steps) if state.causallinks: print ("causal links:") for c in state.causallinks: print (c[0],"<", c[1], "<",c[2]) if state.ordercons: print ("ordering constraints (other than those",end="") print ("with goal or init):") none = 1 for o in state.ordercons: if not o[0] == "init" and not o[0] == "goal"\ and not o[1] == "init" and not o[1] == "goal": none = 0 break if none: print( "none") else: for o in state.ordercons: if not o[0] == "init" and not o[0] == "goal"\ and not o[1] == "init" and not o[1] == "goal": print (o[0], "<", o[1]) if state.openconds: print("open conditions:") for o in state.openconds: print (o[0], o[1]) if state.threats: print("threats:") for t in state.threats: print (" ",t) #====================================== # Simple example 1. From an assignment by Martha Pollack. # # Note: Under these definitions, the following is a valid plan: # sweep wash-floor dust, and the final world-state would # contain floor-dusty and floor-clean # preconds1 = {"init":[],"sweep":["floor-dusty"],\ "vaccuum":["floor-dusty","vaccuum-works"],\ "wash-floor":["floor-not-dusty","floor-dirty"],\ "dust":["furniture-dusty"]} adds1 = {"goal":[],"sweep":["floor-not-dusty"],\ "vaccuum":[],"wash-floor":["floor-clean"],\ "dust":["floor-dusty","furniture-clean"]} deletes1 = {"init":[],"goal":[],"sweep":["floor-dusty"],\ "vaccuum":["floor-dusty"],"wash-floor":["floor-dirty"],\ "dust":["floor-not-dusty","furniture-dusty"]} initprops1 = ["floor-dusty","floor-dirty","furniture-dusty","vaccuum-works"] goalprops1 = ["floor-clean","furniture-clean","floor-not-dusty"] #======================================= #blocks world example ##preconds = {"init":[]} # adds2 = {"goal":[]} deletes2 = {"init":[],"goal":[]} #initprops = ["on(a,table)","on(b,table)","on(c,table)",\ # "clear(a)","clear(b)","clear(c)"] #initprops = ["on(a,b)","on(b,table)","on(c,table)",\ # "clear(a)","clear(c)"] initprops2 = ["on(b,table)","on(c,a)","on(a,table)",\ "clear(b)","clear(c)"] # #goalprops = ["on(a,b)","on(c,a)"] #goalprops = ["on(b,c)","on(a,table)"] goalprops2 = ["on(a,b)","on(b,c)"] # preconds2 = {"init":[]} # # domain = ['a','b','c'] # b = {} for valset in perm(domain): varstr = "M" + valset[0] + "FROM" + valset[1] + "TO" + valset[2] b['x'] = valset[0] b['y'] = valset[1] b['z'] = valset[2] preconds2[varstr] =\ [astr("on",[b['x'],b['y']]),astr("clear",[b['x']]),astr("clear",[b['z']])] adds2[varstr] =\ [astr("on",[b['x'],b['z']]),astr("clear",[b['y']])] deletes2[varstr] =\ [astr("on",[b['x'],b['y']]),astr("clear",[b['z']])] b = {} for valset in [['a','b'],['a','c'],['b','a'],['b','c'],['c','a'],['c','b']]: b['x'] = valset[0] b['y'] = valset[1] varstr = "M" + b['x'] + "FROM" + b['y'] + "TOtable" preconds2[varstr] =\ [astr("on",[b['x'],b['y']]),astr("clear",[b['x']])] adds2[varstr] =\ [astr("on",[b['x'],"table"]),astr("clear",[b['y']])] deletes2[varstr] =\ [astr("on",[b['x'],b['y']])] b = {} for valset in [['a','b'],['a','c'],['b','a'],['b','c'],['c','a'],['c','b']]: b['x'] = valset[0] b['z'] = valset[1] varstr = "M" + b['x'] + "FROMtableTO" + b['z'] preconds2[varstr] =\ [astr("on",[b['x'],"table"]),astr("clear",[b['x']]),astr("clear",[b['z']])] adds2[varstr] =\ [astr("on",[b['x'],b['z']])] deletes2[varstr] =\ [astr("on",[b['x'],"table"]),astr("clear",[b['z']])] #====================================== # The simple flat tire problem description from the text # preconds4 = {"init":[],"removeSpareTrunk":["at(spare,trunk)"],"removeFlatAxle":["at(flat,axle)"],\ "leaveOvernight":[],"putonSpareAxle":["at(spare,ground)","clear(axle)"]} deletes4 = {"init":[],"goal":[],\ "removeSpareTrunk":["at(spare,trunk)"],"removeFlatAxle":["at(flat,axle)"],\ "leaveOvernight":["at(spare,ground)","at(spare,axle)","at(spare,trunk)",\ "at(flat,ground)","at(flat,axle)"],\ "putonSpareAxle":["at(spare,ground)","clear(axle)"]} adds4 = {"goal":[],"removeSpareTrunk":["at(spare,ground)"],\ "removeFlatAxle":["at(flat,ground)","clear(axle)"],\ "leaveOvernight":[],"putonSpareAxle":["at(spare,axle)"]} initprops4 = ["at(flat,axle)","at(spare,trunk)"] goalprops4 = ["at(spare,axle)"] #================================================== def printoperators (): for a in adds.keys(): if not a == "init" and not a == "goal": for p in preconds[a]: print (p," ",end="") print ("") printa = a while len(printa) < len("-------------------"): printa = " " + printa + " " print("-------------------") print printa print( "-------------------") if adds[a] and not deletes[a]: for x in adds[a]: print (x," ",end="") print("") elif adds[a] and deletes[a]: for x in adds[a]: print (x," ",end="") for y in deletes[a]: print ("DEL:", y, end="") print("") elif deletes[a]: for y in deletes[a]: print ("DEL:",y,end="") print("") print(" ") print(" ") #====== Functions defining the problem. def goalp(node): # you define this def h(node): # you define this def edgecost (state1, state2): return 1 def successors(node): plan = node.state if printPlans: print ("fringe[0].state:",, "---") printstate(plan) if node.parent: print ("parent: plan", ### You define this. This is where most of the work is. #======= The core search functions and auxiliaries def treesearch(start,fringe): """Search through the successors of a problem to find a goal. start -- the start state fringe -- an empty queue Don't worry about repeated paths to a state """ fringe.append(Node(start)) while len(fringe) > 0: print ("=========") print ("Len of fringe:",len(fringe)) cur = fringe.pop() if goalp(cur): return cur if cur.depth >= INFINITY: print ("** REACHED INFINITY; giving up") return [] if printVerbose: print ("VISITED:",sep="") cur.inlineprintNode() fringe.extend(makeNodes(cur,successors(cur))) return [] def graphsearch(start,fringe): """Search through the successors of a problem to find a goal. start -- the start state fringe -- an empty queue If a new path to a state is found, save the shortest-length path""" expanded = {} fringe.append(Node(start)) while len(fringe) > 0: cur = fringe.pop() if cur.depth >= INFINITY: print ("** REACHED INFINITY; giving up") return [] # The next if statement is just for printing if printVerbose and expanded.has_key(cur.state): if expanded[cur.state].gval <= cur.gval: print ("**New path to",cur.statename,"from",cur.parent.statename,\ "is NOT better than the old path to",cur.statename) else: print ("**New path to",cur.statename,"from",cur.parent.statename,\ "IS better than the old path to",cur.statename) if not (expanded.has_key(cur.state) and\ expanded[cur.state].gval <= cur.gval): expanded[cur.state] = cur if goalp(cur): return cur if printVerbose: print ("VISITED:",sep="") cur.inlineprintNode() fringe.extend(makeNodes(cur,successors(cur))) return [] def depthfirst(start,coreAlgorithm=treesearch): """Search the deepest nodes in the search tree first. """ return coreAlgorithm (start,Stack()) def breadthfirst(start,coreAlgorithm=treesearch): """Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first. """ return coreAlgorithm (start,FIFOQueue()) def uniformcost(start,coreAlgorithm=treesearch): """Search the nodes with the lowest path cost first. """ return coreAlgorithm (start,\ PriorityQueue(lambda a,b:a.gval < b.gval)) def bestfirst(start,coreAlgorithm=treesearch): """Search the nodes with the lowest h scores first. Called greedy search in Russell and Norvig 1st edition, and greedy best-first search in the 2nd edition. """ return coreAlgorithm (start,\ PriorityQueue(lambda a,b: h(a) < h(b))) def Astar(start,coreAlgorithm=treesearch): """Search the nodes with the lowest f=h+g scores first.""" return coreAlgorithm(start,\ PriorityQueue(lambda a,b: h(a) + a.gval < h(b) + b.gval)) def iterativeDeepening(start): result = [] depthlim = 1 startnode = Node(start) while not result and depthlim < INFINITY: result = depthLimSearch([startnode],depthlim) depthlim = depthlim + 1 if depthlim == INFINITY: print ("** REACHED INFINITY; giving up") return result def depthLimSearch(fringe,depthlim): if printVerbose: print ("") print ("**Starting at root with depthLim=,depthlim,sep="") print ("") while fringe: # The following line was an error. When I wrote this, I thought # pop returned the first element of a list. In fact, it # returns the last element of the list. # cur = fringe.pop() cur = fringe[0] fringe = fringe[1:] if goalp (cur): return cur if printVerbose: print ("VISITED:",end="") cur.inlineprintNode() if cur.depth <= depthlim: fringe = makeNodes(cur,successors(cur)) + fringe return [] def IDAstar(start): result = [] startNode = Node(start) fLim = h(startNode) while not result and fLim < FINFINITY: if printVerbose: print ("") print ("**Starting at root with fLim=",fLim,sep="") print ("") result, fLim = fLimSearch([startNode],fLim) if fLim == FINFINITY: print ("** REACHED INFINITY; giving up") return result def fLimSearch(fringe,fLim): nextF = FINFINITY while fringe: cur = fringe[0] fringe = fringe[1:] curF = cur.gval + h(cur) if goalp (cur): return (cur, curF) if curF <= fLim: if printVerbose: print ("VISITED:",end="") cur.inlineprintNode() succNodes = makeNodes(cur,successors(cur)) for s in succNodes: fVal = s.gval + h(s) if fVal > fLim and fVal < nextF: nextF = fVal fringe = succNodes + fringe return ([],nextF) def beamsearch(start,beamwidth): def insertByH (item,lst): i = 0 while i < len(lst) and h(lst[i]) < h(item): i = i + 1 return lst[:i] + [item] + lst[i:] fringe = [Node(start)] while len(fringe) > 0: cur = fringe[0] fringe = fringe[1:] if goalp(cur): return cur if cur.depth >= INFINITY: print ("** REACHED INFINITY; giving up") return [] if printVerbose: print ("LEN(FRINGE):",len(fringe),"VISITED:",end="") cur.inlineprintNode() newnodes = makeNodes(cur,successors(cur)) for s in newnodes: fringe = insertByH(s, fringe) fringe = fringe[:beamwidth] return [] #==== Main program. Change this as appropriate for your application. #==== #==== print sys.argv def planfun(initprops,goalprops): print ("") print ("initial props:", initprops) print ("goal props:", goalprops) print ("") adds["init"] = initprops preconds["goal"] = goalprops initialstate = Plan(steps=["init","goal"],openconds=[(x,"goal") for x in goalprops]) printstate(initialstate) return Astar(initialstate) #=============== gensymnode = 0 gensymplan = 0 gensymstep = 0 def printPathToNode(node): if node: node.printNode() if node.parent: printPathToNode(node.parent) def printStatesOnPathToNode (node): n = node states = [] while n: states = states + [n.state] n = n.parent states.reverse() for s in states: printstate(s) #========================================= # maxdepth = 15 INFINITY = 35 printVerbose = 0 printPlans = 1 if len(sys.argv) > 1: exec("initprops = initprops" + str(sys.argv[1])) exec("goalprops = goalprops" + str(sys.argv[1])) exec("preconds = preconds" + str(sys.argv[1])) exec("adds = adds" + str(sys.argv[1])) exec("deletes = deletes" + str(sys.argv[1])) else: initprops = initprops2 goalprops = goalprops2 preconds = preconds2 adds = adds2 deletes = deletes2 printoperators() result = planfun(initprops,goalprops) print ("") print ("Result:**********************") print ("") printStatesOnPathToNode(result)