CS1502, Spring 2009. Information about Exam 2. Exam 2 is Thursday, March 19. You are responsible for the following for Exam 2: The sections from LPL listed on the schedule listed through 3/05 Material and examples covered in class through lecture notes 16 (except the new material on automata theory). Assignments through assignment 7 The exam is closed-book, and no computers are permitted. However, you will have pp. 557-560 of the LPL text, which lists the proof rules. All of the questions will be related to a "You try it" exercise, a homework exercise, or an exercise covered in lecture. Be sure to study ALL types of material from the lectures and homeworks, not just the Fitch-style proofs. You need to be able to handle all the material covered in lectures and homeworks. This includes translations between logic and English; determining if a sentence is T or F with respect to a given world; answering questions such as 10.1, 10.3, and 10.13 (A) not just with respect to consequence (argument validity), but also with respect to necessity, possibility, and equivalence - see the big table on slide 7 of lecture notes 15; and (B) all aspects of the questions - using the truth functional form algorithm and replacement method as appropriate, and giving appropriate counter examples, as needed; ETC., for the other material covered in lectures and on the homeworks.