Assignment 4 CS0008 Spring 2015

Common Search for a Movie Database

IMDB has "common cast/crew between two titles" and "two people working together" search facilities: . In this assignment, you will write your own versions. The design of your program is up to you. The only requirement is that you have store the movie information in a dictionary.

What your code should do

sallInput.txt is an input file and smallOutput.txt is the corresponding output file. Following are larger input and output files: largeInput.txt and largeOutput.txt. Here is a zip file with all the files. The output files determine what your program should do. The input file should be specified as an argument and the output should be saved to a file, as in Lab 9. Your output should exactly match the output files. So, don't wait until the last minute!


These are the aspects of your work that we will focus on in the grading:

What to Hand In

Hand in the following file: