def num_vowels(s): '''Return the number of vowels in string s. The letter "y" is not treated as a vowel.''' count = 0 for char in s: if char in "aAeEiIoOuU": count = count + 1 return count def askAndCountRepeat(): ''' Prompt the user to enter a string and find out if it contains any vowels. Repeat this task until a string containing a vowel is found. When you find a string containing a vowel, return the number of vowels in that string (an int)''' num = 0 while num == 0: myString = input("Enter a string: ") num = num_vowels(myString) return num def main(): num = askAndCountRepeat() print("Finally! Found a string with vowels.") print("It has",num,"vowels") main()