Test 2 will be on: - the material covered in lecture through 10/7 - labs through the lab on 10/16 - assignments 1 and 2; I'll give you a solution to assignment 1 in lab on Friday. The exam questions will be the same types as Test 1: trace some code, write some functions, write an overall program. As on Test 1, descriptions of functions and methods will be given to you, including those for strings and lists. *** On this exam, your functions and main programs must meet the specifications, i.e., the descriptions and/or docstrings. More points will be deducted for problems with this than on Test 1. *** Unless otherwise stated, the only outside information a function should access are its parameters. *** Your function should not do anything extra (like printing) if the specification does not say to do it. I will make up the exam by going through the code on the course schedule, in labs, and on the assignments. Everything will be related to something you have seen before. So, actively study! Trace the code on paper yourself, then check yourself in Wing. Don't just read over the code - that isn't sufficient to master it.