Exam 1 will focus on: - the material covered in lecture through 9/16 plus file 'temperature.py' on 9/21. - labs 1-3 - assignment 1 But go through the code for all lectures, to get more practice with problem solving. A sample exam and solution will be given to you on the course schedule. **Be sure to take the sample exam first, before looking at the solution. It will be much better practice that way. Since the sample exam only has 4 questions, this is only a sampling of the material we covered. Don't just study the material on the sample exam - be sure to study everything. Actively study - read and understand code we went through. Trace the code on paper, then check yourself in Wing. Descriptions of some functions and methods will be given to you. So, be sure you can understand such descriptions well enough that you can use the functions and methods.