CS0007: CodeLab

What is CodeLab?

CodeLab is a set of online Python exercises delivered and supported by a company called Turing's Craft. They are worth 5% of your course grade, and the first set is due at the beginning of week 2. You must purchase a registration from them; the price is $15.00.

How do I earn full credit on a CodeLab?

To earn full credit on a CodeLab you must:

Example 1: If there are 10 exercises, then you must attempt all 10 exercises and get at least 8/10 correct.
Example 2: If there are 3 exercises, then you must attempt all 3 exercises and get all 3/3 correct.

Note: you may complete as many exercises as you want to, for practice and studying for the exam.

How to Start Using CodeLab


1) Go to www.tcgo1.com OR www.tcgo2.com
2) Click "Register for CodeLab"
3) choose "I am a student in a course ..." and click CONTINUE
4) enter the Section Access Code PIT-3199-4 and click CONTINUE
5) continue filling out the forms being careful to enter a valid email address you check regularly and first and last names that will match your professor's class roster


1) Go to www.tcgo1.com OR www.tcgo2.com
2) Click "Login to CodeLab", and log in using your username and password

Once registered, students can submit solutions to 10 exercises for free (click LOBBY and then LOAD or RELOAD, whichever is shown). To be able to work with all exercises, you need to obtain full access.

Getting Full Access

1) Log in to CodeLab
2) click LOBBY
3) click the button "Get Full Access"
4) follow the directions to pay the $15.00 fee