CS 3580

Advanced Topics in Parallel Computing

Fall 2017
Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
6516 Sennott Square


Course Description

Different topics related to parallel and distributed computations will be covered at various levels of details. Example of such topics are: architectures of high performance systems, general graphic processing units and other types of accelerators, languages and programming environments for parallel and distributed systems, the design and analysis of parallel algorithms, reconfigurable and data driven processors, power management in high performance systems and resilience of large scale systems.

Requirements and grading:

A student taking the course for audit (S/N grade) will have to read and present papers to earn an S grade. A student taking the course for a letter grade will additionally have to complete a class project. The project will account for 50% of the grade.

Course Schedule:

The course consists of

Course Index Department of Computer Science University of Pittsburgh