CS 6281: Topics in Computer Science II
User Generated Content Analyses using Automated Discourse Processing
(AY2015/2016: Semester I)
Dr. Diane Litman (Litman [@ comp.nus.edu.sg])
When & Where Thu 1600-1800: new room is TR5 (COM1-0218) (original room was SR@LT19)
Office Hours After class, or by appointment in COM1-03-03, 6516 2803
Description This course will examine the automated analyses of textual user generated content -- e.g., social media, student essays and scientific documents -- using state-of-the-art natural language processing tools and frameworks for discourse understanding. In particular, we will focus on applications and analyses that emphasize the effects of dialogue and discourse processing: inclusive of argument mining, helpfulness prediction, automated summarization, revision analysis, discourse parsing, error correction/detection, corpus creation, social media. We will also investigate educational applications in detail, inclusive of peer review, automatic grading, and learning analytics.

Prerequisites: Natural Language Processing OR consent of the instructor

Required Work Class Project (50%): proposal/progress: 10%, presentation: 5%, report: 25%, STePS: 10%
Class Presentations of Readings (30%)
Commentaries on other Readings (20%)

We will also be participating in the SoC projects program


Topic and Readings (open to discussion!)

Week 1
NB (CHI 2012)


Slides (posted on IVLE)

Computational Discourse

Week 2

Commentary Instructions

Presentation Instructions

Project Discussion

Discourse-Enabled User Generated Content Analysis

Week 3
Prasad (first 2 papers),
Fang (last 2 papers
Beginning this week, class will meet in TR5 (COM1-0218) for the rest of the semester.

First commentaries due 48 hours before class!

Also, you should be making an appointment with me to discuss your project.

Here is a list of some annotated corpora that could be used for your project.

Topic and Entity Structures

Week 4
Phandi, Chandrasekaran
Project discussions deadline.

Functional Structures

Week 5
Feng, Asharaf
Project proposals due (in IVLE) by 23:59:59 on September 10!

Please remember to follow the detailed instructions for writing the proposals.

Predicate-Argument Structures

Software CoNLL 2015 Shared Task
Week 6
Asharaf, Kundu

Tree-Like Structures



Recess Week    
Week 7
Chandrasekaran, Feng

Corpora and Annotation

Week 8
Ilievski, Litman
AI2/Kaggle commonsense competition

Integrating/Comparing Structures; Blogs

Week 9
Yap, Phandi
Project progress report due (in IVLE) by 23:59:59 on October 15!

Instructions for writing the progress report.

Educational Applications

Week 10
Ilievski, Litman
Templates you must use for submitting your project paper. Paper can be no longer than 4 pages before references (i.e., short paper constraints apply).

More details on supplemenary materials that you may submit, as well as tips for writing a short paper, can be found here.

Argument Mining

Optional (hot off the presses!) Corpora
Week 11
Prasad, Kundu

Review Analysis

Week 12
Yap, Fang
First draft of project paper due (in IVLE) by 23:59:59 on Nov. 5!!

Twitter, Slashdot, Yahoo! Answers

Week 13
Final version of project paper due (in IVLE) by 23:59:59 on Nov. 13 (one day more than usual, to address any feedback from presentation).

Project Presentations

Each presentation should be done with slides (like a conference) and should be 15 minutes long, with 5 minutes for questions.

I will time you and stop you after 15 minutes, so practice!

November 18 (5:30-10)

STePS (SoC Term Project Showcase)