CS 1501 Assignment Submission Procedures


What to submit:


You will submit your CS 1501 Assignments electronically to a submission site created for the course.  For each assignment you must electronically submit ALL of the following:

1)      All source files that you have written (and, if some source code is provided to you, this should be submitted as well).  In other words, your program should be able to be successfully compiled using only the relevant compiler (and library files) and the files that you submit.

2)      For Java programs, either ALL of your .class files or .jar file containing all of the .class files that result from the compilation of your program.  In other words, your program should be able to be successfully run WITHOUT compilation using only the standard Java SDK, any standard .class files and the .class files or .jar file that you submit.  For information about creating .jar files, see this jar document.

3)      Any other files that may be needed for a particular assignment (write-up, documentation, etc.).  However, unless specified, DO NOT SUBMIT COMMON DATA FILES (i.e. data files that we provide for you) since these will take up unnecessary space on the server.

4)      A filled out Assignment Information Sheet in either .html or .txt format.  A template for this Assignment Information Sheet is on the CS 1501 Web Site.  Note that if you do NOT submit this properly filled out information sheet with your assignment, you will LOSE GRADE POINTS.


When to submit:


All electronic materials must have been submitted to the appropriate directory on the submission site by 11:59PM on the due date specified for the assignment.


Submissions whose timestamps are AFTER the submission deadline will be considered to be LATE.


Submissions whose timestamps are AFTER the late due date will NOT be graded, and will be assigned a score of 0.


Incorrect submissions (i.e. submissions placed into the wrong directory, or submitted using incorrect files) can be corrected ONLY UP UNTIL the deadlines as specified above.  Since you will not be able to remove files from the submission site, any corrections must be made by a request to your TA.  Only correctly submitted files will be graded, so be VERY CAREFUL to SUBMIT CORRECTLY!


The submission site:


The submission site is the following directory on the CS Department File Server:


The directory will be divided up into subdirectories for each recitation (regular and w) section, each student and each assignment.   For example, the following directory structure would be set up for student Joe Schmoe, who is registered for the regular recitation:






/     /      /      \      \     \

assig1 assig2 assig3 assig4 assig5 assig6


Joe must submit all files for Assignment 1 into his assig1 directory, and likewise for the other assignments.   The site is set up so that any student may copy files into it, but no student may delete or otherwise alter files that are already there.  Thus, as stated previously, make sure you submit your files correctly the FIRST TIME.  If you DO happen to make a submission mistake, or if you find that someone else has incorrectly submitted files into your directory, please ALERT YOUR TA IMMEDIATELY!


How to submit:


There are a couple different ways to legitimately submit your assignment files onto the submission site.  Either of these ways should work, but, to prevent problems, it is probably a good idea to learn one submission method well and stick to it.


1)    Using Anonymous FTP.  The FTP site is ftp.cs.pitt.edu -- logging into this site will automatically put you into the public directory within the path above.  There are a number of FTP front ends that you can use to submit via anonymous FTP, including WSFTP, IE and Netscape.  Whichever of these that you use, be sure to log in as anonymous and to enter your email address as the password (for some front ends, there is a box that you check for anonymous log in – be sure to look for this and make sure it is checked).  Then change to the APPROPRIATE directory and submit your files.  The different front ends have slightly different procedures for submitting files, so it is a good idea to learn how it is done for your choice before you actually have to submit any assignments.  If you have any questions about FTP or have any problems using it, please contact your TA as soon as possible!  You can use FTP from your own PC or from any of the PCs on campus.


2)    Copying your files to the site directly from another AFS site.  If you work on your files through your Pitt Unix account, or if you upload your files to your Pitt Unix account to back them up, you can copy them directly into the submission site.  To do this, you simply log into one of the unix machines (either a Unixs machine or one of the machines in the CS Sun lab).  Change locally to the directory in which your assignment files are located, and then execute the command below for each file that you are submitting.  Again be sure that you are submitting to the correct directory, and that you do it correctly the FIRST time, since you will not be allowed to overwrite or delete any of the files.


prompt> cp file.ext /afs/cs.pitt.edu/public/incoming/CS1501/instructor/rec/name/assignum 



prompt> is your Unix prompt

     file.ext is the name (with extension) of the current file you are submitting

  instructor is your instructor's id (ramirez)

rec is your recitation section as listed in the submission site (regular or w)

     name is your last name followed by your first initial as listed in the submission site

     assignum is the assignment number as listed in the submission site


If you are unsure of any of the directory names along the path to your current submission directory, you can always (temporarily) change to the CS1501 directory above (using the cd command) and then find out the exact names of the directories in your path using the ls and cd commands.  If you have any questions about this or problems doing it, please contact your TA as soon as possible!