Sorting Applet 1
This applet allows the user to enter up to 25 of their own numbers and watch the applet sort the numbers according to one of the following algorithms:
-Bubble Sort
-Selection Sort
-Insertion Sort
-Shell Sort
-Quick Sort
-Merge Sort
-Heap Sort

The applet also steps through the code to the algorithm while it sorts the numbers, allowing the user to see everything that is going on.

Sorting Applet 2
This applet uses bar graphics as size indicators and includes a counter for the numbers of moves made and the number of comparisons made. This applet demonstrates:
-Insertion Sort
-Selection Sort
-Bubble Sort
-Shaker Sort
-Shell Sort

Sorting Applet 3
This applet also uses bars as values and uses a little bit more animation to show the steps involved in performing certian sorts. This applet also has information printed at the bottom to show / explain why objects are being moved as they are. The applet also has several interresting modes to play around with. This applet demonstrates:
-Bubble Sort
-Insertion Sort
-Selection Sort
-Merge Sort
-Quick Sort

Sorting Applet 4
This applet allows the user to select a sort and watch it run on a bunch of lines. While not too graphically advanced, this applet none the less does sort data and allow the user to watch how. It also allows the user to run three algorithms at once, allowing for side by side comparrison. Finally, the page itself allows the user to view the source code for every algorithm it uses, which include:

Sorting Applet 5
This applet shows only Shell Sort using dots from all over being pulled into a line. While not the most understandable or even useful applets, it does tell the number of comparisons and exchanges used and was created by the writer of Algorithms in C++, Roger D. Sedgewick. Includes:

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