---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAPSP 2017 - First Call for Papers 13th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems June 12-16, 2017 Seeon-Seebrück, Bavaria, Germany https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mapsp2017.de%2F&data=01%7C01%7Ckrp2%40pitt.edu%7C1244531556c547068c3108d3e5439f05%7C9ef9f489e0a04eeb87cc3a526112fd0d%7C1&sdata=dm%2FBFHA97nQx%2FSikokQhEiN%2BkFBhnjUVky9zDzBWZUU%3D&reserved=0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAPSP is a biennial workshop dedicated to all theoretical and practical aspects of scheduling, planning, and timetabling. The 13th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP 2017) will take place in Seeon Abbey (Kloster Seeon), in Seeon-Seebruck, in the week of June 12-16, 2017. Seeon-Seebruck is a small and picturesque town in Chiemgau in Upper Bavaria at the foothills of the Alps, about six kilometers north of Lake Chiemsee. The program will consist of invited plenary lectures and shorter contributed talks. The invited speakers are: Nikhil Bansal (Eindhoven University of Technology) Bernhard Haeupler (Carnegie Mellon University) Monika Henzinger (University of Vienna) Jochen Könemann (University of Waterloo) Rolf H. Möhring (TU Berlin & BISEC, Bejing) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Submissions: MAPSP submissions undergo a selection process based on a light refereeing by the Program Committee. MAPSP does not publish proceedings other than a conference booklet (no ISSN). Hence, presenting your paper at MAPSP will not prevent you from submitting it to journals or to other conferences. Similarly, it is acceptable to submit a paper that was presented at an earlier conference. Abstracts of 2-3 pages must be submitted using EasyChair according to the guidelines at https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.mapsp2017.de&data=01%7C01%7Ckrp2%40pitt.edu%7C1244531556c547068c3108d3e5439f05%7C9ef9f489e0a04eeb87cc3a526112fd0d%7C1&sdata=Hmmot9YV5mD8QRKDAYCY3wDrcZCPibpHws7noxrNPng%3D&reserved=0. Submission Link: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.easychair.org%2Fconferences%2F%3Fconf%3Dmapsp2017&data=01%7C01%7Ckrp2%40pitt.edu%7C1244531556c547068c3108d3e5439f05%7C9ef9f489e0a04eeb87cc3a526112fd0d%7C1&sdata=uxVEf6vJESI5KthjpUo%2Fc%2BN9oC2pAcQy9kX7iESQHAA%3D&reserved=0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important dates: Submissions: January 28, 2017 Notification: March 6, 2017 Early registration: April 1, 2017 Conference: June 12-16, 2017 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The program committee: Antonios Antoniadis (University of Bonn, Germany) Dirk Briskorn (University of Wuppertal, Germany) Tobias Harks (University of Augsburg, Germany) Chien-Chung Huang (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) Pontus Ekberg (Uppsala University, Sweden) Sungjin Im (University of California Merced, USA) Csanad Imreh (University of Szeged, Hungary) Thomas Kesselheim (MPI Saarbrücken, Germany) Janardhan Kulkarni (Duke University, USA) Bodo Manthey (University of Twente, Netherlands) Nicole Megow (University of Bremen, Germany) Julian Mestre (University of Sydney, Australia (chair) Leen Stougie (CWI & Vrije University, Netherlands) Ola Svensson (EPFL, Switzerland) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------