Practice Test



1. What is wrong with the following code:


class Wrong {

     public static void main(String args[]) {

          int x = 3;




     public static void printX() {

          System.out.println(“x is ”  + x);







2.)  Fix the above using parameters












3.)  Why can’t you write a swap method in Java?










4.) Write a for loop that iterates 100 times.









5.) How would you, in Java, get a random number between 1 and 100?









6.)  Write a method called coinToss that returns 0 for heads and 1 for tails.














7.) For each of the following, provide the recursive definition and the base case:


            a.) Sum







            b.) Factorial







            c.)  Power






8.) Pick one of the above and write a recursive method in Java to calculate it.




















9.) What is an Object in Object Oriented Programming?  














10.) What does it mean for a program to be event-driven?









11.) Given the following method that you do not need to implement, but can use:


int min(int a[], int start);


that returns the position of smallest element in a[], starting at position a[start], write the code for Selection Sort.



void selectionSort(int[] data) {













