CS 0007 - Practice Midterm



1.) Write a for loop that iterates 100 times.







2.)  What does this code display on the screen if run?


            int q = 5;

     int r;

     int s;


     r = q++;


     s = ++q;


     q *= r + s;


     q %= 10;


     System.out.println(“q is ” + q);

     System.out.println(“r is ” + r);

     System.out.println(“s is ” + s);









3.) What is an algorithm and why is it important in Computer Science?

4.) What is a comment?  How do you specify a line comment? A block comment? Describe when you should use a comment.












5.) In the following code, what is displayed if the user enters the number 3?


import tio.*


class Test {

     int input = Console.in.readInt();


     int output = 1;


     switch(input) {


          case 2:

              output = 3;



          case 3:

              output = 4;

          case 4:

              output = input + 5;


          case 5:

              output = output  + 1;




              System.out.println(“Input unknown”);



     System.out.println(“The output is ” + output);



6.) What is the most appropriate data type to represent the following quantities?



            a) Your grade point average



            b) How many students go to Pitt



            c) Your middle initial



            d) A city name



            e) Pi (p)



7.)  Write a program to display a 5 x 5 multiplication table like so:


1          2          3          4          5

2          4          6          8          10

3          6          9          12        15

4          8          12        16        20

5          10        15        20        25