Project Submission Guidelines




This example assumes a submission file named and a last name of Misurda. This is just to illustrate. Your file may be called something else, and you obviously have a different last name.  Nothing else in the instructions change.




Starting in your cs7 directory:

1.      cp

2.      cp    ~jrmst106/submit



If you want to make sure it is there:

1.      cd    ~jrmst106/submit

2.      ls


Look for your file in the list.





I have set up this directory so that you may add files and see that the files exist, but not examine the contents or delete them.  If you need to resubmit (you have already submitted but you found a mistake, simply add a _1 etc to the filename ex:


If you ever get lost in unix the command:

            cd   ~

will return you to your home directory, i.e. the one you started in when you first logged in.


Your projects are always due by the start of class.