
Date: 5/11/04


Lab 1: Introduction to the Labs and UNIX



This first lab is meant as an introduction to the computer environments we will be using this term.  Java programs can be written and run almost anywhere so we will be using the university computers for ease of accessibility.


To login to the computers you will need to use an SSH client to go to There you will login with your Pitt account (initials followed by a number.)


In this lab you will use these commands to navigate around in the UNIX environment:


Important UNIX Commands



Now that you have heard a little about them, use the commands above to complete this lab:


Lab 1


  1. cd to your private directory
  1. cp ~jrmst106/public/CS7/ .            (notice the period!)
  1. javac
  1. java Welcome


What is the output? (write it in the space below.)







Hand this in to Rasoul when you are done.