Name: __________________________


Lab 1 Introduction to UNIX and C


This first lab is meant to be an introduction to computer environments we will be using this term.  You must have a Pitt username to complete this lab. 


NOTE: Text in UNIX is case-sensitive.  CS449 is different from cs449 is different from Cs449.  All filenames of concern in this lab are lowercase. 


Please follow the instructions as listed in this document.



Here are a few common UNIX commands:



Part I


1)    To login to the computers, you will need to use an SSH client.  The SSH client that we will be using is Putty (at home, download from )


We will connect to the machine (host) by its name: or by its alias:


1)    When you login first, you are placed in your home directory. The command



will LiSt all of the files and directories there. The one we are most concerned with is the private directory. It is special in that only you can access files inside this directory.  It will keep your work safe from other people.


3)  Let’s move into the private directory so we can work there:


cd private


Changes Directory to the private directory

4)  For this class, we’ll keep all of our files organized into a cs449 directory. Make it by typing:


mkdir cs449


If you want to double check that it worked, type ls to list.


5)  We now want to move into the cs449 directory to do our actual work.


cd cs449



Part II.


1)  While still in the cs449 directory type:


mkdir lab1

cd lab1



to make a directory for today’s lab. Now type:


nano lab1.c


nano is a very simple text editor, a lot like Notepad on windows. It is one option for creating and editing code under UNIX/Linux.

2)  Type the following text in exactly as it is shown:


#include <stdio.h>


int main() {

     printf(“Hello World!\n”);

     return 0;



3) Save the file by hitting Ctrl + O and then enter. Exit nano by typing Ctrl + X. At the bottom of the nano window, it shows what keys do special things. The ^ means to hold Ctrl while pressing the key


4)  Back at the prompt type:


gcc –o lab1 lab1.c


which will make our program. A file named lab1 will be in the directory if we type ls


5)  Run it by typing:





Part III: Archives and Project Submission


Whenever you turn in a project for this course, you will need to submit a copy of your code and executable to be graded. We will try this now.


You are probably familiar with a ZIP file, which does two things: it archives a bunch of files into a single file, and also compresses it to save space. In UNIX, we do this in two steps, we create a Tape Archive (tar) and then compress it (gzip).


First, let us go back up to our cs449 directory:


cd ..


Now, let us first make the archive. Type your username for the USERNAME part of the filename:


tar cvf USERNAME_lab1.tar lab1


And then we can compress it:


gzip USERNAME_lab1.tar


Which will produce a USERNAME_lab1.tar.gz file. We will then copy that file to the  submission directory:


cp USERNAME_lab1.tar.gz ~jrmst106/submit/449


Once a file is copied into that directory, you cannot change it, rename it, or delete it. If you make a mistake, resubmit a new file with a new name, being sure to include your username.


Part IV: Manual Pages


If you ever want to see how a command works or you forget the various options you could use, you can consult the “man pages” on the command by typing:




for example:


man ls


This will let you scroll through the online help about the ls command. The SPACE BAR will scroll the document one screenful at a time and the ENTER key will move one line at a time. At any time you can quit by pressing “q


 In the space below, explain the purpose of the -S switch (capital S, not lowercase.)












Part V: Recording your work with script


Sometimes something will go awry in your program and you may not know the source of an error message from the compiler. For us to help you, we need to see the output of the compiler. We can capture that with a program called script.




man script


now to read up on how it works.


Now open the lab1.c file from part I by navigating to it and then opening it in pico. Remove the semicolon after the printf() statement and save.


Now issue the script command.




Then compile the modified program.


gcc lab1.c


This should result in an error message.


Type exit or hit CTRL + D to stop script from recording. If you do an ls now, you should see a file named typescript.


We can use the program called more to display the contents of this file. more is also used on the man pages, and can be operated in the same way. If the file is longer than the screen, it will allow you to scroll or to quit at anytime. Type:


more typescript


to see the output you saw when you compiled the first lab.



Helpful Hints


cd private

cd cs449