CS 0449 – Project 1: RPS & EXIF Viewer

Due: Sunday, February 5, 2017, at 11:59pm

Your first project is to write two programs in C that provide some experience with a wide range of the topics we have been discussing in class.

Rock, Paper, Scissors (30 points)

For the first part of this project, you will be implementing the game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. For those unfamiliar with the rules, typically the game is played with two people who use hand gestures to represent a rock (closed fist), paper (an open hand), or scissor (a vee made with your fingers.) Each person displays their choice at the same time and the winner is determined by (winner in bold):

Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock breaks scissors

Your job is to write a program where a human can play against the computer in a best-of-5 tournament. The first to win three games wins the match. Have the human player enter their choice, and then have the computer randomly pick its choice. If the two match, the game is a tie and doesn’t count. Otherwise you will add one to the score of the winner. After the match is over, you should ask the user if they would like to play again.


Welcome to Rock, Paper, Scissors

Would you like to play? yes

What is your choice? scissors
The computer chooses rock. You lose this game!

The score is now you: 0 computer: 1


int value = rand() % (high - low + 1) + low;

EXIF Viewer (70 points)

An EXIF tag is embedded in many image files taken on a digital camera to add metadata about the camera and exposure. It is a complicated format, but we can simplify it to where we can write a simple viewer that will work with many JPEG files.

A JPEG file begins with the 2 byte sequence 0xFF, 0xD8. After that, a special JPEG marker (0xFF 0xE1) indicates an application specific segment, called APP1. We will assume (but you must verify) that there is no APP0 (0xFF 0xE0) section prior to APP1. This means the first 20 bytes of a JPEG with an EXIF tag will be:







0xFF 0xD8

JPEG Start of File marker



0xFF 0xE1

JPEG APP1 Marker




Length of the APP1 block (big endian)




Exif string



0x00 0x00

NUL Terminator and zero byte



II or MM

Endianness. II means Intel (little endian)

This is the start of the TIFF header




“version number” is always 42  (big endian)




Offset to start of Exif block from start of TIFF block (byte 12 of the file).


Next, an array of TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) Tags will store the information we are looking for. At offset 20, we find a 2-byte (unsigned short) count that tells us how many tags there will be in this section.

A TIFF tag is 12 bytes that are defined as:






Tag identifier



Data type



Number of data items



Value or offset of data items.




Loop through the file count times, reading a single TIFF tag at a time. We will only be concerned with 3 different tags in this section. Simply ignore any other tag that appears. The three tags we are concerned with have the 2-byte identifiers in the table below:

Tag identifier

Data Type



2 (ASCII string)

Manufacturer String


2 (ACSII string)

Camera Model String


4 (32-bit integer)

Exif sub block address


Let us take the first one as an example. We read in a 12-byte TIFF tag and find that its identifier field is 0x010F. Its data type field will be 2, which means that the data is encoded in an ASCII string. The number of data items field will tell us how many bytes our string has.

The final field in the tag can contain the value of the data itself if it fits in 4 bytes, or it can contain an offset to the data elsewhere in the file. Since an arbitrary string cannot fit in 4 bytes, in our case this value is an offset. It’s an offset from the beginning of the TIFF header, which occurred at byte 12 of the file. So we seek to 12 + offset in the file and read each letter from that position in the file, until we have read them all (we’ll encounter a NUL terminator at the end).

At this point, we’ve read the manufacturer string. We must seek back to the location in the file where we were reading tags and continue on to the next one.

To make this concrete, say we encounter our Manufacturer String tag while reading bytes 22-34 of our file. The tag would be:






The 6 tells us how many bytes the string will be (including the NUL terminator). The 158 tells us to seek to 158 + 12 bytes from the start of the file (the 12 bytes is the offset of the TIFF header from the start of the file).

When we seek to offset 170, we read in “Canon”, the manufacturer of the camera.

We must now seek back to offset 34 so that we can read the next tag in this section.

If we encounter the 0x8769 identifier, there is an additional Exif block elsewhere in the file. We can stop reading at this point even if we haven’t read all count tags because the TIFF format states that all identifiers must be in sorted order.

We will seek to the offset specified in this Exif sub block tag, again +12 bytes. There, we’ll repeat the above process one more time to get more specific information about the picture.

First, read in a new count as an unsigned short. Next, loop, reading more 12-byte TIFF tags from the file.

This time, we’ll be concerned with the following fields:

Tag identifier

Data Type



4 (32-bit integer)

Width in pixels


4 (32-bit integer)

Height in pixels


3 (16-bit integer)

ISO speed


5 (fraction of 2 32-bit unsigned integers)

Exposure speed


5 (fraction of 2 32-bit unsigned integers)



5 (fraction of 2 32-bit unsigned integers)

Lens focal length


2 (ASCII String)

Date taken


The good news is that type 4 means that the value is directly encoded in the last 4 bytes of our tag and no seeking needs to be done.

Type 5 requires us to behave like we did with the string, but rather than reading several single-byte characters, we will read 2 unsigned ints. Display the ratio of the two numbers as shown in the example below.

What To Do

For your project you will make a utility that can print the contents of an existing tag, if there.

Make a program called exifview and make it so that it runs with the following command line:

./exifview FILENAME


It should print the contents of the EXIF tag to the console if present, or give a message if not present or readable by our program.


$ ./exifview img1.jpg

Manufacturer:   Canon

Model:          Canon EOS REBEL SL1

Exposure Time:  1/80 second

F-stop:         f/2.8

ISO:            ISO 2000

Date Taken:     2013:08:20 22:23:45

Focal Length:   40 mm

Width:          512 pixels

Height:         768 pixels

Hints and Requirements


Ensure that your program builds and runs on thoth.cs.pitt.edu as that will be where we are testing.

We have provided two sample jpg files with valid EXIF tags according to our limitations. Copy them to your working directory on thoth by using the command:

cp ~jrmst106/public/cs449/*.jpg .


The dot at the end is important as it represents the current directory in Linux.


When you’re done, create a gzipped tarball (as we did in the first lab) of your commented source files and compiled executables.

Copy your archive to the directory:


Make sure you name the file with your username, and that you have your name in the comments of your source file. Please do NOT submit the sample picture files we provide.

Note that this directory is insert-only, you may not delete or modify your submissions once in the directory. If you’ve made a mistake before the deadline, resubmit with a number suffix like abc123_1.tar.gz

The highest numbered file before the deadline will be the one that is graded, however for simplicity, please make sure you’ve done all the work and included all necessary files before you submit