CS 0449 – thot.cs.pitt.edu

We’re going to use thot.cs.pitt.edu to do our work for this course. This is a quad-core x86 machine with many GBs of RAM and over a terabyte of disk space. In other words, a modern, powerful machine.

To use it, we first need to modify the path to point to some helper programs, and since the man pages also might be useful, it’s worth a digression to fix this on thot.cs.pitt.edu permanently.

cd ~

vim .bash_profile


Type a capital G to go to the end of the file.  Scroll up a bit until your cursor is under the line:

# Define your own private shell functions and other commands here


Type the letter i  to enter insert mode, and add the lines (spacing around the [ ] is critical!):

if [ "$HOSTNAME" = "thot.cs.pitt.edu" ]; then

        source /opt/set_specific_profile.sh;



Hit the ESCAPE key, then type :w! to save, followed by :q to quit.

We did it this way because the file was read only, and we can just let vim take care of the permissions via the forced write.  This won’t take effect until the next time you log in, so log out and reconnect to thot.

To check that it worked type at the prompt:




and you should see:

fusermount: missing mountpoint argument


Anything else means that you made a mistake in typing the code. Go back and check your spaces and the characters and try again.