# this program illustrates masking and shifting to get # a bit from a word # # the program will extract bit 7 from a word and # print the value of the bit # .data ws: .asciiz " " nl: .asciiz "\n" .align 2 # notice position of bit 7 for v1, when specified with byte v1: .byte 0x80,0x00,0x00,0x00 # now, notice position of bit 7 for v2 in the notation v2: .word 0xFFFFFF7F .text # extract bit 7 from v1 la $t0,v1 lw $t1,0($t0) andi $t1,$t1,0x80 srl $t1,$t1,7 # print the resulting value (should be 1) li $v0,1 move $a0,$t1 syscall # print a newline la $a0,nl li $v0,4 syscall # extract bit 7 from v2 lw $t1,4($t0) # v2 is the next word after v1 andi $t1,$t1,0x80 srl $t1,$t1,7 # print the resulting value (should be 0) li $v0,1 move $a0,$t1 syscall # terminate the program li $v0,10 syscall