CS 132 – Project 4: Movie Database

Due: Monday, November 28th, 2005 Start of Class



For this assignment you will be creating a database for a user to keep track of his or her movies. Each record will be part of a linked list, and you will need to support various operations on the database.


The record will look like:



String (max 200)


String (max 100)




String (max 1000, comma separated list)

Format: (DVD, VHS, etc.)

Int (enumeration?)


String (max 5)

Running Time:



You will present the user with a menu when the program is run. The menu will allow various operations:


  1. Enter a record manually
  2. Load a database from a file
  3. Save a database to a file
  4. Display all movies, sorted by Title
  5. Display all movies in a particular format
  6. Display all movies from a certain year
  7. Find a record


Entering a record manually is self-explanatory.


Loading and saving a database involves writing each record to a file, one line per field, with a blank line between records, and being able to load a similarly formatted file.


The display functions should be self-explanatory as well.


For finding a record, you should support a simple textual search on title, stars, or director. Support partial matches. Look into the function strstr() to help you.




Get started early so you can have Thanksgiving break off!