= $parentheses_end ) { // Whoops! parentheses missing... // echo( "Missing parentheses on line: " . $i . "\n\n" . $line_str . "
"); return false; } else { // Grab ID $id_str = substr( $line_str, $parentheses_start+1, ( $parentheses_end - $parentheses_start - 1 ) ); if ( $id_str == '' ) { // echo( "Missing 'Unique ID Number' on line: " . $i . "\n\n" . $line_str ); return false; } else { $id_number = intVal( $id_str ); if ( gettype( $id_number ) === 'integer' ) { // echo( "'" . $id_str . "' - '" . $id_number . "'
" ); // So far so good... Now get rid of trailing spaces. $name_str = substr( $line_str, 0, $parentheses_start ); while ( substr( $name_str, strlen( $name_str )-1, strlen( $name_str ) ) == ' ' ) { $name_str = substr( $name_str, 0, strlen( $name_str ) - 1 ); } // Count beginning spaces or   characters... $space_count = 0; while ( substr( $name_str, 0, 1 ) == ' ' || substr( $name_str, 0, 1 ) == chr( 160 ) ) { $name_str = substr( $name_str, 1, strlen( $name_str ) - 1 ); $space_count++; } if ( $name_str != '' ) { // Okay, we've got all the parts... $item_arr = Array( $id_number, clean_post_text( $name_str ), $space_count ); array_push( $valid_arr, $item_arr ); // echo( "ID = ".$id_number.", NAME = '".$name_str."', DEPTH = ".$space_count."
" ); } else { // echo( "Missing 'Category Name' on line: " . $i . "\n\n" . $line_str ); return false; } } else { // echo( "'Unique ID' (" . $id_str . ") is not a number on line: " . $i . "\n\n" . $line_str ); return false; } } } } } // echo( "Success! " . count($valid_arr) . " categories validated!" ); return $valid_arr; } } ?> <?php echo( $blog_config[ 'blog_title' ] ); ?> - <?php echo( $lang_string[ 'title' ] ); ?> '); echo ( '' . $lang_string[ 'current_categories' ] . '
'); $catArray = get_category_array(); if ( count($catArray) > 0) { $str = ''; for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $catArray ); $i++ ) { $id_number = $catArray[$i][0]; $name_str = $catArray[$i][1]; $space_count = $catArray[$i][2]; for ( $j = 0; $j < $space_count; $j++ ) { $str = $str . ' '; } $str = $str . $name_str . ' (' . $id_number . ")
\n"; } echo( $str ); } else { echo( $lang_string[ 'no_categories_found' ] . '
' ); } ?>