What does "H." stand for, you ask?


I have had to explain my first name about a gebillion times (well, maybe not that many, but close). Yes, it is just the letter, H, nothing more, nothing less. My birth certificate proves this (I'm working on scanning that in so you can see for yourself).

Until college, I went by "Chad," but my wing in my freshman dorm had three Chads and a Tadd, so from then on, most people have called me "H."

No, my parents weren't stoned when they named me, and no, my parents are not chemists (look at my initials). The reason supplied to me was that "H" was my fathers nickname (short for "Harry") when he was a kid, so rather than have a "Harry Junior," they thought "H." would be a nice, unique alternative. To be honest, I'm glad they came to that conclusion.

From my earliest days people have enjoyed my single-letter first name, and I've heard just about every conceivable joke and/or nickname. If you can come up with any besides what's on this list, please e-mail me.




Problems I've had

Despite the things above, and if I sound a bit annoyed, don't worry. I like having a uni-alphabetic first name. I encourage you to name your children with single letters.

Last Modified: Fri Sep 20 20:00:07 CDT 1996 by H. Chad Lane