CS 0007: Project Submission Instructions and Guidelines

  1. Zipping the Project
  2. Installing WinSCP (you can skip if you are using a campus computer)
  3. Uploading/Submitting a File
Once you are comfortable creating and uploading projects, these detailed instructions will be too much to look through to make sure you've done everything correctly.
  1. Zipping the Project
    1. With all program submissions, you must zip THE ENTIRE project folder if you are using Eclipse or Netbeans. Otherwise you need only zip the source files
    2. Navigate to the location where you saved the file.
    3. On most Windows XP and Vista, you can right-click on the folder, and select Send To -> Compressed (zipped) Folder
      Compressing files in Windows
    4. Be sure to rename the zipped file. Rename the zipped file so that it is of the form LastNameFirstNameIDEAssignmentTypeAssignmentNumber.
      • LastName - Your last name
      • FirstName - Your first name
      • IDE - Netbeans or Eclipse if you used it (type nothing here if its just the source)
      • AssignmentType - Either Recitation or Project
      • AssignmentNumber - The number of the project
      So if I were to submit something for the first recitation assignment, and I am submitting an Eclipse project folder, the name of my zip file submission would be:
      • HeimEricEclipseRecitation1.zip
      These are examples of bad filenames:
      • Eric.zip     – Does not start with last name or Pitt username.
      • EricHeim.zip     – Does not start with last name or Pitt username.
      • Project1-Heim.zip     – Does not start with last name or Pitt username.
  2. Installing WinSCP
    1. The instructions will explain how to install WinSCP. WinSCP will allow you to upload your assignments to the course FTP site. You are welcome to use another FTP client if you want to. If you are using the lab computers, you may skip to Uploading a File.
    2. Visit http://winscp.net/eng/download.php#download2 and download the "Installation package". Save the file to a place you can easily access it (such as the desktop).
    3. Go through the installation program (accepting the defaults should be fine).
  3. Uploading/Submitting a File
    1. You should be able to start WinSCP either from a link on the Desktop or from Start -> All Programs -> WinSCP -> WinSCP.
      Note: On the campus Vista computers, WinSCP is available from Start -> All Programs -> Internet Tools -> WinSCP FTP
    2. A login window will appear. Enter the following information: WinSCP login screen
      Host: ftp.cs.pitt.edu
      Username: anonymous
      Password: anonymous
      Port: 21
      File protocol: FTP
    3. Since you will be using this FTP site a lot for this course, save the settings by clicking on the "Save..." button. This will bring up a new window, asking you to enter a name for this connection:
      WinSCP save screen
      Click OK when finished entering the name.
    4. Your login information is saved in the Stored sessions (which you can access on the left-hand side of the window). Whenever you want to log into the FTP site from this computer, you can quickly do so by clicking "Stored sessions", then selecting the session you just saved, then clicking "Login":
      WinSCP login from saved session screen
    5. If you are logging in for the first time, you may see a warning message about a server key. Accept the server key.
      Accept server key window
    6. Once you are logged in, there will be a main window. The center of the window is divided into two parts: the local site (your computer) on the left and the remote site (the FTP site) on the right. Each part has a list of files and folders available at your current location.
      WinSCP navigation
      • Remote Site
        1. Navigate to the /incoming/CS0004-heim folder.
          1. Look for "incoming" in the list of folders and files on the Remote side. Double-click on it.
          2. Look for "CS0007" and double-click on it.
          3. Look for "eth13" and double-click on it.
        2. Once there, in the list of folders and files, look for the project folder you are submitting to and double-click on it.
      • Local Site
        1. Navigate to the location of the zip file containing your assignment.
    7. In the list of files and folders on the left, click and drag your submission to the list of files and folders on the right.
    8. Wait for the upload to finish. You can watch its progress at the very bottom of the window.
    9. Once the file has been uploaded, you can disconnect.