by  Beatriz Maeireizo



One of the goals of Knowledge Management is to "Know what you know, and take advantage of what you know." (Larry Prusak).

The Virtual Classroom relies on the concept of network and virtual community to improve learning and knowledge acquisition and exchange.


  Goal of the Project

To provide a search tool to search for agents proficient in certain subject given a certain profile. 


I have developed two tools to enhance knowledge exchange in the Virtual Classroom:

  1.    Automatic Helper Finder 
  2.   Yellow Pages 


  Automatic Helper Finder

This tool is part of the menu of the Virtual Classroom Help.  When selected, the system will automatically look for courses in which the student is weak and look for other peers who are likely to be more knowledgeable about the topics of those courses, and who may be capable to help and exchange knowledge. 

The "helper search" is performed by using the "Search" system in transcripts (by Jim Clause), that searches for keywords in the current transcripts of the user in Virtual Classroom.

The Automatic Helper Finder will display the courses, names and e-mail addresses of the "helpers".


  Yellow Pages 

This tool is a new tab in the Virtual Classroom Interface. 

The user will have the facility to search for agents according to certain user profiles.

This search is done in the Virtual Classroom Database.