An Example of BBC.TAOML "BBC" mixed "bbc.tpl" flag = new ic_type = "BBC" ic_id_list = "" message_type = "CREATE_BBC" content = ?"BBC Name (such as yahoo)" cgi="wag.cgi" The formal definition of TAO_HTML language can be described in BNF form: TAO_HTML ::= TAO_BODY TAO_BODY ::= NAME_PART TYPE_PART P_PART LINK_PART IC_PART SENSI_PART DATA_PART NAME_PART ::= "name" TYPE_PART ::= TYPE_SET TYPE_SET ::= [image, text, audio, motion_graph, video, mixed] P_PART ::= "template_name" LINK_PART ::= empty | LINK_BODY LINK_PART LINK_BODY ::= name = "link_name", type = LINK_TYPE, obj = "link_obj" LINK_TYPE ::= [spatial, temporal, structural] IC_PART ::= empty | flag = FLAG ic_type = "input_string" ic_id_list = "input_string" message_type = "input_string" content= ?"input_string" FLAG ::= [old, new] SENSI_PART ::= empty | SENSITIVITY SENSITIVITY ::= [location, content, time] DATA_PART ::= empty | "database_name" In the template of a TAO, in addition to the normal HTML tags and definitions, there's a special TAO tag for link relation with other TAOs. It is defined as: "link_name"