XML - A Closer Look

The XML specification sets out the following goals for XML:
  1. It shall be straightforward to use XML over the Internet.
  2. XML shall support a wide variety of applications.
  3. XML shall be compatible with SGML.
  4. It shall be easy to write programs that process XML documents.
  5. The number of optional features in XML is to be kept to an absolute minimum, ideally zero.
  6. XML documents should be human-legible and reasonably clear.
  7. The XML design should be prepared quickly.
  8. The design of XML shall be formal and concise.
  9. XML documents shall be easy to create.
  10. Terseness in XML markup is of minimal importance.
How Is XML Defined?
  1. XML, the Extensible Markup Language (02/10/98)
  2. XLL, the Extensible Linking Language (???)
  3. XSL, the Extensible Style Language (in progress)
  4. XUA, the XML User Agent (not started yet)
Multidimensional Documents
The Scripting Dimension
The Presentation Dimension
The Server Independent Document
The Primacy of Documents
Document Type Definition (DTD)