Kinect interface

1. To get started

You can download the initial version of the Kinect client from here:

Source code for Kinect interface.

2. A demo to draw characters

Bin's demo to say "hello" using gestures

Same demo, this time showing the dual images

Bin's demo to draw a Chinese character using gestures

Same demo but in faster speed

3. Full body tracking

There is an Open Source full body tracking software that you can use to build your application. See readme prepared by Zach Parker.

You can download the source code from:

4. How to develop Kinect application using recorded Kinect data

You can download ONI package from (Since this zip file is 114MB, a backup copy is saved in my netbook at c:/changsk/bookui/

Kinect on OS X

A step-by-step walk through for getting Kinect up and running on OS X. It only takes a few minutes and works perfectly.