5. Running on a mac ** JDK 1.8 IS REQUIRED ** . Run 5.1. Initialize: a). Go to SISv5/NewSISServer/: i) In terminal run javac *.java to compile all of the java files ii) In terminal run java SISServer iii) In a separate terminal run java -jar PrjRemote.jar this will open a GUI window iv) In the GUI hit Connection & Scope in the dropdown you will see a connect button hit it. This will connect it to the sis terminal server you have running. v) From here on you can load in messages in the messages window. For more information see the ReadMe_V5.txt 5.2. Running SIS Testbed on macOS X Since SIS Testbed is written in Java, it is possible to run the testbed in macOS. However, the scripts generated by the testbed are **Windows batch files**. We can convert these batch files to **bash scripts**, which macOS X supports natively. We do not need an automatic batch-to-bash converter, as the batch files generated by the SIS Testbed are very simple. A batch file generated by the testbed usually consists of just two lines: - Compile the Java source file - Run the compiled Java class file Thus we will simply convert the two lines to bash statements manually. Do the conversion just once for each *.bat file, and then you can delete them and use only the *.sh files. Below are some common examples of the conversion: EXAMPLE 1 (runserver) For runserver.bat: @echo off title SIS Server cd ../NewSISServer javac *.java java SISServer pause You should create a file named runserver.sh with the following content: #!/bin/bash cd ../NewSISServer/; javac *.java; java SISServer; EXAMPLE 2 (runInitializer) For runInitializer.bat: @echo off title Initializer javac -sourcepath ../init ../init/*.java start "Initializer" /D"../init" java Initializer You should create a file named runInitializer.sh with the following content: #!/bin/bash javac -sourcepath ../init ../init/*.java; cd ../init; java Initializer; EXAMPLE 3 (runGUI) For runGUI.bat @echo off title GUI javac -sourcepath ../../Components/GUI -cp ../../Components/* ../../Components/GUI/*.java start "GUI" /D"../../Components/GUI" java -cp .;../* CreateGUI You should create a file named runGUI.sh with the following content: #!/bin/bash javac -sourcepath ../gpComponents/GUI -cp "../Components/*" ../Components/GUI/*.java cd ../gpComponents/GUI; java -cp ".:../*" CreateGUI; As you can see, the conversion is straightforward. The only thing you need to pay close attention to how Windows and Mac differ when concatenating paths. In Windows, paths are joined by ";", while on Mac, paths are joined by ":".