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The miniproject is 10 points plus 3 extra bonus points for early submission, and 3 extra bonus points for completion of optional part.

Select one project from the projects described below. You may not design your own project. You may not select more than one project.

Project 2: WebBased Library Information System

This project is for those who want to learn how to combine Internet with database application using a middleware called WebBase.

WARNING: DO NOT SELECT THIS PROJECT unless you have a PC with Windows, Oracle Personal 8, Personal Web Server PWS (or IIS) already installed and enough RAM and disk space to install the free trial version of WebBase on your PC.

Expertelligence, the company that developed WebBase, allows you to download a free trial version of WebBase. You can use this free trial version to develop the WebBase htf forms for the miniproject.

Best Way to Turn in Your Project is to bring your own notebook or PC. This way, there will be very few surprises, and you can give a live demo on your own computer to the instructor. Otherwise you must ftp your WebBase htf forms to a designated guest directory at the time of the demo. To do so, make sure you use the correct database source name (libtest), user name (libtest2), password (libtest2), and relations names. Otherwise your htf forms may not work. The final solution is to set up your PC as a server with modem at home, and then use a PC at the university to dial up and access your PC. This is doable, but risky.

In addition to the live demo, you need to turn in a diskette containing the following files together with hard copies of these files: If you are a graduate student, you are also required to turn in a project report and give a five-minute project presentation in addition to the live demo. If you are an undergraduate student, you are only required to give a live demo.

Library Information System

The purpose of this miniproject is to implement the query form and update form for a Library Information System. The following is the conceptual schema of the library information system. The database consists of the following relations:

BOOKS: This is the primary relation to store information about each title. The primary key is ISBN. Call number is X050. The field FLAG describes whether data entry is manual (FLAG is 1) or from MARC record (FLAG is 2). If FLAG is 1 (manual), it can be updated by the librarian. If FLAG is 2 (MARC record), those fields from MARC record are locked and cannot be updated. The field NO_COPY is the number of copies in the library. It is 1 if there is a single copy.

MARCBOOKS: This relation stores the MARC records. It is for online backup and for librarian's reference. It should not be updated manually by any one.

COPY: This relation has a record of every book in the library. Its key is BOOK_ID, which is the unique key assigned by the library to a book. The BOOK_ID is usually scanned in from the bar code strip on the cover of each book. If there are multiple copies, there are distinguished by the COPY_ID (1, 2, 3, etc.) ONLOAN is 1 if a book is currently on loan to a patron, and 0 otherwise.

CIRCUL: This relation is for patrons to loan and return books. RETURNED is 1 is a book has been returned, and 0 otherwise. If RETURNED is 1, the DATE_BACK records the actual date of return, and FINE is calculated as the difference between DATE_BACK and DATE_DUE times the daily fine of fifty cents.

RESERVATION: This relation is for a patron to put a "hold" on a book. The LOG_DATE is the date the hold is placed by the librarian on a book. A patron must rely on the librarian to put a hold on a book. A patron cannot update this relation himself or herself.

USER: This relation stores user information. When a new patron is added, his or her personal information should be copied from the administrative information system to this relation.

LOCATION: This relation is for the virtual library project, so that we can display books in a virtual library system.

How to create and load the database

A PSQL program will be provided. When you run this PSQL program it will create and load a sample database for you to test your WebBase forms. The sample database is very small, with only a few records in each relation. You must use this sample database so that the instructor can easily check the correctness of the results. For any relation that is not loaded by the PSQL program, you can create your own PSQL program to populate those relations, for example, a PSQL program to load COPY relation.

What you need to implement

You will implement two WebBase htf forms so that a patron or a librarian can use these forms to search for a book, or to update the circulation relation.

Search Form: A patron can search the library database for a title using any one, or a combination, of the following: (a) author, (b) title, and (c) ISBN number. Each of the above may be a wild card. For example, if the patron enters %database% in the title field of the search form, then all books containing the word 'database' in the title field should be displayed. It is also important to display how many copies of the book are in the library, and whether any copy is currently available. Notice you need to access both the BOOKS relation and the COPY relation.

Circulation Form: This form is not used by a patron. It is actually used by the librarian to update the circulation relation. When a patron checks out a book or returns a book, the circulation relation must be updated. For this miniproject it is not necessary to handle the renewal of a book currently on loan, or to put a hold on a book. But if a book is returned late, the fine needs to be calculated. Notice you must update both the CIRCUL relation and the COPY relation. To check whether a user is a patron, you also need to access the USER relation. Click here for more details.

Notice only the BOOKS, COPY, CIRCUL and USER relations are used in the processing of the two forms described above. Other relations are not used.

Optional Bonus Part

The PSQL program provided by the instructor is used to create and load a sample database for your miniproject. The optional bonus part is to write a program to decode the MARC record, which is the standard format to encode the information about a title in any mdeia, and load the MARC records into the database. The loader will load the selected information only into the BOOKS relation. If the FLAG is 1 (manual), it is updated to 2 (MARC). If the FLAG is 2 (MARC), it remains the same, but the database is updated, because the MARC record may be updated by its provider, OCLC.

The MARC record has the following structure:

       |                       |
       |         base address  v      MARC record structure
    |  Header  |  directory    |    |   |//////|    |    |
    |          |  |  |  |  |   |    |   |      |    |    |
                |       field address   ^
                |                       |

1. The record header is always 24 bytes long.
2. The first five bytes of the header contain the length of the MARC record, i.e.,
   the total number of bytes of this record (including this field).
3. Bytes 13-17 of the header contains the base address.
4. The record directory starts at byte 25 and contains a variable number
   of entries, corresponding to the number of fields in this record.
5. Each entry in the directory is twelve bytes long and contains the following:
   Bytes 1-3:  three-byte numeric tag identifier from 001 to 999
   Bytes 4-7:  four-byte numeric field length
   Bytes 8-12: five-byte numeric starting-position of the first byte of field
   Examples: Tag   Field Length   Starting position    Field address
             001   0013           00000                base address + 00000 
             010   0014           00053                base address + 00053
Note: all numbers are right-justified with leading zeros.
Therefore, the program ReadMarc.pgm should read in the MARC record, compute the field addresses, extract the fields that are needed, and output only these fields. The output file contains commands that can load selected fields of the MARC record into the Oracle database. For example, the program can generate as output the folllowing SQL insert commands:

INSERT title (title, author) VALUES ('The Scarlet Letter', 'Nathaniel Hawthorne')

With a file containing such INSERT commands, we can easily load the database.

All the fields from MARC record that are needed in the BOOKS relation are listed below. Some fields may have substructures, which (to simplify your programming) need not be further decoded. For the miniproject, you need only decode and output the fields X001, X010, X020, X1XX and X245. Please note not all the fields listed below are present in every MARC record. You should use the directory to find out what fields are present.

1. Tag 001:
2. Tag 010: Library of Congress Control Number
3. Tag 01X: Other Control number
4. Tag 020: International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
5. Tag 049: Local Holding
6. Tag 050: Library of Congress Call Number
7. Tag 082: Dewey Decimal Call Number
8. Tag 092: Locally Assigned Dewey Call Number
9. Tag 1XX: {Personal Name}; {Corporate Name}; {Meeting Name}; {Uniform Title}
10. Tag 245: Title Statement
11. Tag 250: Edition Statement
12. Tag 260: Publication, Distribution, Etc
13. Tag 300: Physical Description
14. Tag 500: General Note
15. Tag 504: Bibliography, Etc. Note
16. Tag 505: Formatted Contents Note
17. Tag 520: Summary, Etc. Note
18. Tag 590: Local Note
19. Tag 6XX: Subject(s)
20. Tag 700: Added Entry -- Personal Name
21. Tag 710: Added Entry -- Corporate Name
22. Tag 740: Added Entry -- Uncontrolled Related/Analytical Title
23. Tag 8XX: Series entry


5 for successfully setting up the database, the WebBase server with your own WebBase program to demonstrate a nicely looking and functional search form for the Library Information System on the World Wide Web for patrons to enter queries and display results (correctness) (Note: If you don't use WebBase, 2 points are subtracted)
3 for the circulation form to enable the librarian to check out books, handle the return of books, and calculate fines (generality)
1 capability to handle user input errors (error handling)
1 quality of programming (quality)
3 bonus points for providing a program to load the BOOKS relation from MARC records
3 bonus points for early submission

Details and More Details

Your Main Form: Your main form should be called 'default.htf', which can be accessed by entering the URL http://............/ but please note the final slash is significant. default.htf will then pass information to other forms, as explained in the classnotes. You can also use main.htf as the main form, and then access it by entering the URL http://............/main.htf.

Prevention of User Input Errors: A smart way is to use radio buttons instead of user input. For example, if you want the user to choose among "min", "avg", "max", "%", and "list", you can use a radio button, and proivde an optional input box to allow the user to enter the list of words.

The Program Debug Cycle: In WebBase programming, the program debug cycle is as follows: