Hints on exercise 5

If you intend to use PL/SQL, you may find the following link helpful: http://www.orafaq.org/faqplsql.htm

Generic Documentation on Oracle 8i can be found at: file:/usr/local/share/oracle/product/8.1.5/doc/index.htm

In the following Oracle help site, you may find Oracle 8 on Unix and Connect with JDBC in Oracle8 very useful. http://www2.cs.pitt.edu/~panos/teaching/d1555.02/system_docs/system_docs.html

The following are further hints if you intend to use Excel and Oracle to do the exercise:

1. Please read: http://www.cs.pitt.edu/~chang/156/06oracle/myexample.html


    These documents are enough for you to do the exercise using Excel and Oracle.


2. The following Module is STRICTLY REQUIRED:

                               Sub Auto_Open()


                               End Sub

    If your program works well, this module should bring the interface out as you open the file (*.xls).


3. Table Name and Field Name are STRICTLY REQUIRED to be exactly the following: STUDENT, NAME, SSN, MOD, COMPLETE_DATE, GRADE (some of them
    should be needed in the program), because your program would be tested on the database that I give. I are not responsible for modifying your code to match my STUDENT table.


4: You are NOT allowed to modify these two sentences:

       Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")

       Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("beq-local.world", "scott/tiger", 0&)


5. When you close your file or EXCEL, maybe you would run into this problem:

     The Macros in This Project Are Disabled

     Solution to this problem:

  1. Close your file if it is still open.
  2. On the Tools menu, point to Macro and click Security.
  3. In the Security dialog box, click the Security Level tab.
  4. Click Medium and then click OK.
  5. As you open your file(*.xls), when prompted whether to enable or disable macros, click Enable Macros.