How to use the Oracle 8 on Unix

	The first thing that you need to do is to notify either the TA or the professor
that you wish to use the Unix version of Oracle.  You also need to give that person
your University CIS user account name (ie. jmdst999).  The information will be forwarded
to the CS tech service who will create an account for you to use.
	Next, you should recieve an E-mail at that account informing you what your login
name and password are.  Log onto any CIS unix sun station as normal.  You can then do 1 of 
2 things:

	edit you bash profile to include the following:

		. /afs/    (for sh users)
		source /afs/ (for csh users)

This will automatically change your path to include that directory.  If you don't want to
edit your profile you can simply type one of those lines in each time you logon to use
Oracle.  Then to access the server type in:

You will be prompted to enter a login name and password.  The commands you will need to use
for this Oracle version will be in the SQL or PL/SQL languages.  Here is a list of the 
commands you will most likely need to use:

	CREATE (table/view/function/procedure) name AS...
		TABLE table_name (column_name column_type(size), ...);
		VIEW AS SELECT table_att FROM table_name WHERE cond;
		FUNCTION RETURN TYPE type AS ... (see functions)
		PROCEDURE AS ... (see functions)

	DROP (table/view/function/procedure) name;
	ALTER (table) table_name ...

	SPOOL file_name[.suffix]  (default suffix usually .lis or .lst)

	EXIT drops you back to the unix prompt