This page contains the information required for installing and setting up WebBase on oyur computer.

	First you will need to got to the WebBase home page.
Once there you will want to click on one of the "downloads" links on the page.  This 
should take you to a page that lists the available products.  Here click on the WebBase
link.  This will take you to a trial order form page.  Fill out the information, and 
proceed to download the program.
	Now you can also download the .zip files from WebBase that contain the users
manual or you can go to one of the labs and view (shift-click to download) a copy Here 
in PDF format.  If you use my link in one of the labs you can then print it out, 
under your quota.  The file is roughly 336 pages.
	To install WebBase, first place the file in a temp directory.  Then you will want to
unzip the files.  I would recommend WinZip.  Now just use the 
expanded install files.  When you first install WebBase it will ask you to enter the root directories
for the WebBase files, as well as a root directory for the .htf files.  Next it will ask you for
a port number (80 is the default) and the liscence numbers.

	Now WebBase is installed.  To start WebBase just click on the icon.  You will need to be 
connected to the internet for it to access any htf files you have created, and the WebWizard.  

	The next thing you need to do is to go to Net8 Easy config and create a new service called
bach.  It will be a TCP/IP connection.  The database is, and the SID is bach.  To
test this service use the username steva and the password eva.  Once working you can now connect to 
bach and access the tables.  Please make a copy of these if you are going to do an insertion activities
with your webbase files.
	WebBase uses an ODBC connection, so you will need to create a new one.  You can open the
microsoft ODBC configuration window either through the Oracle icon or in the control panel.  Create 
a new connection by clicking add.  Next choose the Oracle ODBC connection type.  To connect to Bach
and use the tables located there you want to call the ODBC source name steva, the service name bach.World,
and the username steva.  Now when you create you .htf files just set the source name as steva, username as
steva, and password as eva.

Here are the text files that contain the test data:

The Following is the design of the two tables:

	id             - number 6
	first_name     - char 15
	last_name      - char 15
	ssn	       - varchar2 11
	password       - varchar2 9
	secret_id      - varchar2 5

	id             - number 6
	course_no      - varchar2 8
	secret_id      - varchar2 5
	year           - number 4
	semseter       - varchar2 9
	q1 - q18       - number 1
	comm           - varchar2 255