CS 2001: Research Topics in Computer Science

Fall 2013

General Information


    Professor Adam J. Lee
    Office: 6111 Sennott Square
    Email: adamlee -at- cs.pitt.edu
    Phone: 412-624-8416
Meeting Times:
  • TH 1:00 - 2:15 PM, 6516 SENSQ
  • F 3:00 - 4:15 PM (alternate, rarely used)
Office Hours:
  • Any time my door is open


Course Description

This course introduces first year graduate students to research being conducted in the Computer Science Department. The course will also introduce students to the research process in general. All first year Ph.D. students are required to take this course. Masters Students are welcome, since the course is open to all Computer Science graduate students, but it does not count towards the MS degree.


Lecture/Talk Schedule

Class # Date Topics Resources
1 8/27 (Tue) No Class -
2 8/29 (Thu) No Class -
3 9/3 (Tue) Administrivia and Introduction [Notes] -
4 9/5 (Thu) Paper Reading [Notes]
5 9/10 (Tue) Paper Reviewing [Notes]
6 9/12 (Thu) Giving a research talk [Notes]
7 9/17 (Tue) Scripting, plotting, LaTeX
8 9/19 (Thu) Department computing resources, SVN, Condor, etc. [Notes]
9 9/24 (Tue) Student Presentations I
  • Paper 1: Adraino and Ahn
  • Paper 2: Daniel and Nick
  • Paper 3: Chungsheng and Anatoli
  1. Leslie Lamport, Time, clocks, and the ordering of events in a distributed system, CACM 21(7), July 1978.

  2. Sruthi Bandhakavi, Prithvi Bisht, P. Madhusudan, V.N. Venkatakrishnan, CANDID: preventing SQL injection attacks using dynamic candidate evaluations, CCS 2007.

  3. Prince Mahajan, Srinath Setty, Sangmin Lee, Allen Clement, Lorenzo Alvisi, Mike Dahlin, and Michael Walfish, Depot: Cloud Storage with Minimal Trust, OSDI 2010.

  4. Review Form
10 9/26 (Thu) Student Presentations II
  • Paper 1: Qihang, Zhipeng, and Qiao
  • Paper 2: Chris and Yuyu
  • Paper 3: Sam and Wenchen
11 10/1 (Tue) Research Integrity The following must be read before lecture:
12 10/3 (Thu) Discussion of presentations (in 6111 SENSQ)
  • 1:00 - Adriano and Ahn
  • 1:15 - Sam and Wenchen
  • 1:30 - Chungscheng and Anatoli
  • 1:45 - Qihang, Zhipeng, and Qiao
  • 2:00 - Chris and Yuyu
  • 2:15 - Daniel and Nick
- 10/8 (Tue) Fall Break -
From this point on, you must read and review one of the two papers posted for each week. A paper review template can be found here. For general guidance on preparing a paper review, consult your notes from classes 2 and 3. Paper reviews are due by noon on each Friday.
13 10/10 (Thu) Professor Taieb Znati [PDF]
14 10/15 (Tue) No class -
15 10/17 (Thu) Professor Youtao Zhang -
16 10/24 (Thu) Professor Jingtao Wang [PDF]
17 10/25 (Fri) Professor Janyce Wiebe [PDF]
18 10/29 (Tue) Professor Kirk Pruhs -
19 10/31 (Thu) Professor Daniel Mosse' [PDF]
20 11/5 (Tue) Professor Rami Melhem [PDF]
21 11/8 (Fri) Professor Elisabeta Marai [PDF]
22 11/12 (Tue) Professor Diane Litman [PDF]
23 11/14 (Thu) Professor Adam Lee [PDF]
25 11/21 (Thu) Professors Panos Chrysanthis and Alexandros Labrinidis [PDF]
24 11/22 (Fri) Professor Jack Lange [PDF]
26 11/26 (Tue) Professor Rebecca Hwa [PDF]
- 11/28 (Thu) Thanksgiving Break -
27 12/5 (Thu) Professor S.K. Chang [DOC]
28 12/6 (Fri) Professor Milos Hauskrecht -
29 12/10 (Tue) Professor Don Chiarulli -