Consider power objective of miminizing the maximum temperature. Assume for today that P=s^alpha, and we will mostly consider the model where jobs have release times, deadlines, and work. BKP: Assumes software controls speed of the processor Chroback, Dur, Hurand, Robert assumes hardware controls speed, and in particular the speed is halved if a thermal threshold is exceeded. Newton's Law of Cooling: Continuous: dT/dt = a P - b (T - T_env) T= temperature t= time P= power T_env = environmental temperature a,b constants By rescaling energy, wlog a=1 and by rescaling temperature wlog T_env = 0 dT/dt = P - b T Discrete: T_{t+1} = (P_t + T_t )/b Understanding Newton's Law: Question: What happens to temperature if you run at constant speed s? Assume initial temperature 0. Answer: First note that temperature doesn't go to infinity since cooling rate increases as T rises, but power doesn't. Temperature rises until some equilibrium is reached. To compute this equilibrium Using Newton's law, let's rewrite speed in terms of temperature dT/dt = P - b T P = dT/dt + b T s^alpha = dT/dt + b T Substituting dT/dt = 0, T = s^alpha /b Question: If you are at temperature T (say the thermal limit of the device), how fast can you go while staying below temperature T? Answer: Using Newton's law, let's rewrite speed in terms of temperature dT/dt = P - b T P = dT/dt + b T s^alpha = dT/dt + b T s = ( dT/dt + b T )^{1/alpha} Note that want that dT/dt = 0 for the constant temperature schedule. So speed s = ( b T )^{1/alpha} will keep the temperature fixed to be T. Question: In the YDS Model, what is the min-max temperature schedule for 1 job with release time 0, deadline 1, and work w? Assume initial temperature = 0. SubQuestion: In particular, is it the schedule where the temperature is constant? SubAnswer: Since s = ( dT/dt + b T )^{1/alpha} work processed = integral_0^1 s dt = integral_0^1 ( dT/dt + b T )^{1/alpha} Note that dT/dt = 0 for the constant temperature schedule, so you are not getting any benefit in terms of work processed from dT/dt, so this isn't optimal. SubQuestion: How about the optimal energy schedule where the speed is constantly 1/w? SubAnswer: Assume that the maximum temperature is at the end. Then it would be better to move some work earlier. Answer: So basically the speed should decrease geometrically. The exact equations are a bit complicated, and require calculus of variations to derive them. Pseudo Theorem Relating energy, temperature and power: lim_{alpha -> infinity} Energy = lim_{b -> infinity} Temperature = maximum power Pseudo Proof: lim_{alpha -> infinity} Energy = maximum power since the convexity increases with alpha lim_{b -> infinity} Temperature = maximum power since energy disappears immediately Pseudo Theorem Relating energy, temperature and power: lim_{b -> 0} Temperature = Energy Pseudo proof: When b=0, no energy is lost, and the maximum temperature is at the end and is exactly the energy. So consider the scheduling problem from BKP where the QoS objective/constraint is deadline feasibility and the power objective is to minimize the maximum power/speed. The offline optimal schedule is in principle computable in poly time by convex programming, but is generally complicated. Theorem: The YDS schedule, which is optimal for maximum power and energy, is 20-competitive for temperature. So the optimal energy schedule is not ridiculously bad for temperature. Now consider online scheduling: Question: Is AVR or OA, which are competitive for energy, competitive for temperature? Answer: No. Consider the following instance Release time Work Deadline 0 1 1 1/2 1/2 1 3/4 1/4 1 7/8 1/8 1 and so on The YDS schedule runs at constant speed 2 and has maximum temperature O(1) ARV will run at speed Omega(log n) right before time 1, giving temperature omega(1) Conclusion: Not all schedules that are competitive for energy are competitive for temperature Now consider the case that b=infinite = max power objective Algorithm design technique: Construct a lower bound to gain intuition Example: Let c be presumed competitive ratio Consider n jobs released at times 0 .. n-1 with deadline n and work 1 So optimal = speed 1 = power 1 speed at time 1 for online <= c/n or it wouldn't be c competitive if the stream of jobs ended here speed at time 2 for online <= c (1 - c/n + 1)/(n-1) continuing these calculations, you get that online must go at something like speed > 2 toward the end. Note that the rate of work arrive = optimal speed After playing around a bit (or using calculus of variations) you get that the worst case is if work is increasing exponentially Theorem: There is a lower bound of e on the competitive ratio for maximum speed and hence e^alpha competitive for maximum power proof: work arrives at rate 1/ (ln (1/epsilon) (1-t)) with deadline 1-epsilon Follow the reasoning in the example you get the result Question: What is the "right" algorithm for this lower bound instance? Answer: BKP, at each time t run at speed e* max_{t_1 < t < t_2} w(t, t_1, t_2)/(t_2 - t_1) where w(t, t_1, t_2)/(t_2 - t_1) is work that we know about that must be done in [t_1, t_2], ie work with release time > t_1 but less than t and deadline < t_2. So intuitively, this is e times the best lower bound that we have for YDS at this time. In hindsight, maybe one could have guessed at this algorithm, but we really got it from the lower bound. Theorem: BKP is cooling oblivious, ie it is simultaneously competitive for all b, including b=infinity (max power) and b=0 (energy) Proof: Complicated Important point: BKP is oblivious of the current temperature, and the cooling rate. From a systems point of view this simplifies things greatly as the software scheduler doesn't need to know physical properties of the underlying hardware