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CS 1510 Midterm 1

Fall 1997

Note that the only difference in the first two problems is the definition of total penalty.

The input to this problem consists of an ordered list of n words. The length of the ith word is wi, that is the ith word takes up wi spaces. (For simplicity assume that there are no spaces between words.) The goal is to break this ordered list of words into lines, this is called a layout. Note that you can not reorder the words. The length of a line is the sum of the lengths of the words on that line. The ideal line length is L. No line may be longer than L, although it may be shorter. The penalty for having a line of length K is L-K. The total penalty is the sum of the line penalties. The problem is to find a layout that minimizes the total penalty.

Prove of disprove that the following greedy algorithm correctly solves this problem.

For i= 1 to n
     Place the ith word on the current line if it fits
       else place the ith word on a new line

The input to this problem consists of an ordered list of n words. The length of the ith word is wi, that is the ith word takes up wi spaces. (For simplicity assume that there are no spaces between words.) The goal is to break this ordered list of words into lines, this is called a layout. Note that you can not reorder the words. The length of a line is the sum of the lengths of the words on that line. The ideal line length is L. No line may be longer than L, although it may be shorter. The penalty for having a line of length K is L-K. The total penalty is the maximum of the line penalties. The problem is to find a layout that minimizes the total penalty.

Prove of disprove that the following greedy algorithm correctly solves this problem.

For i= 1 to n
     Place the ith word on the current line if it fits
       else place the ith word on a new line

Consider the Chained Matrix Multiplication Problem from the text. The input to this problem is a sequence of n matrices $A_1, \ldots, A_n$. The output is parenthesization of the product $A_1 \cdots A_n$ that results in the fewest number of scalar multiplications. We assume that the naive matrix multiplication algorithm is used to multiply pairs of matrices. This naive algorithm uses abc scalar multiplications to multiply an a by b matrix by an b by c matrix. Let MIN(i, j), $1 \le i \le j \le n$ be the minimum number of scalar multiplications required to compute the product $A_i A_{i+1} \cdots A_j$.

Explain how the feasible solutions to an instance of this problem can be viewed as trees.

Give a recurrence relation for MIN(i,j).

Use this relation to compute the remaining entry in the following table when where A1 is a 13 by 5 matrix, A2 is a 5 by 89 matrix, A3 is a 89 by 3 matrix, and A4 is a 3 by 34 matrix. Show your calculations.

  j=1 j=2 j=3 j=4
i=1 0 5785 1530  
i=2 UNDEFINED 0 1535 1845

In the above example, which matrix multiplication should be performed last in order to minimize the number of scalar multiplications? Justify your answer.

The input to this problem consists of:

The problem is to determine if it is possible to partition of the gems into two collections P and Q such that

Note that a partition means that every gem must be in exactly one of P or Q. Given an algorithm for this problem that runs in time polynomial in n+L, where $L = \sum_{i=1}^n v_i$.

The input to this problem is a pair of strings $A=a_1 \ldots a_m$ and $B=b_1 \ldots b_n$. The goal is to convert A into B as cheaply as possible. The edit rules are as follows. For a cost of 4 you can delete any letter. For a cost of 5 you can insert a letter in any position. For a cost of 6 you can replace any letter by any other letter. For a cost of 66 you can delete any suffix of A. So the output should be a sequence of edits that convertes A to B as cheaply as possible. Give a polynomial time algorithm for this problem.

For example, you can convert A=abcabc to B=aba via the following sequence: abcabc at a cost of 66 can be converted to abc, which at cost of 6 can be converted to abc. Thus the total cost for this conversion would be 72. This conversion is not optimal.

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Kirk Pruhs