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CS 1510 Midterm 1

Fall 2002

(40 points) Consider the following real-world budget problem that challenges your instructor, and many other government/academic bureaucrats. The input consists of a collection of accounts $A_1, \ldots, A_n$, and a collection of events $E_1, \ldots, E_m$. Each account Ai has a start date ri and an end date di. Further each account Ai contains an amount ai of money. Each event Ej happens on a date ej and has a cost of cj dollars. The cost cj for event Ej, or some portion thereof, can be charged to any account Ai that is open during the date ej, that is, any account Ai where $r_i \le e_j \le d_i$. Note that an event can be paid for by more one account; For example an event of cost $3 can be paid by $1 from one account and $2 from another account. Obviously, the account Ai can not contribute more than ai dollars towards paying for events. The problem is to determine which costs should be charged to which accounts. The goal is to find an algorithm that will find a feasible method of paying for the costs of the events, if it is possible to do so.

We consider greedy algorithms for this problem that pay for the events by non-decreasing order of date. For simplicity assume that the events are ordered by date, that is, $e_1 \le e_2 \le \ldots \le e_m$. So our greedy algorithms first determine how to pay for event E1, then determine how to pay for event E2, then determine how to pay for event E3, etc. Note that we are often forced to use such a greedy algorithm in practice because we are not aware of events until they happen. The algorithms differ in how they pick the accounts to pay for the current event. Consider the following two algorithms, Early and Level:

Assume that events $E_1, \ldots, E_{j-1}$ have been paid for, and we now wish to pay for event Ej.

  • While Ej has not been fully paid for:
    • Among the accounts that are open at time ej and that have not yet been fully depleted, let Ai be an account with the earliest end date.
    • Deduct from Ai the smaller of the remaining unpaid portion of the event, and the amount of money left in the account.
The intuition of Early is that you should pay from the account that will expire soonest.

Assume that events $E_1, \ldots, E_{j-1}$ have been paid for, and we now wish to pay for event Ej. Partition the cost of Ej among the open accounts in such a way that the amount of money remaining, in the open account with the most money remaining, is as small as possible.
  • If you need to know, this can be accomplished in the following manner (although how this is accomplish is not really germane to the correctness issue at hand): The open account with the largest balance pays for part of Ej until the balance in this biggest open account is equal to the balance in the second biggest open account; Then these two open accounts pay for the remaining portion of cost equally until their balances equals the balance in the third biggest open account; Then these three open accounts pay for the remaining portion of cost equally until $\ldots$.
The intuition of Level is that you should not deplete any account unless it is necessary to do so.

As an example of the algorithms assume that we have two events E1 and E2, with e1 = 5 and e2=7, and with c1=60 and c2=50. So event E1 can only charged to accounts Ai satisfying $r_i \le 5 \le d_i$, and event E2 can only charged to accounts Ai satisfying $r_i \le 7 \le d_i$. Assume that accounts A7 and A9 have the property that r7 < r9 < e1 = 5 < e2 = 7 < d7 < d9, so accounts A7 and A9 can pay for events E1 and E2. Assume all other accounts Ai either have di < 5 or ri>7, so they are not eligible to pay for either event E1 or event E2. Assume that the initial balance in A7 is a7=$100, and that the initial balance in A9 is a9=$80.

First Early will charge all of the cost of $60 for E1 to A7 since d7 < d9. Then Early will charge the first $40 for E2 to A7 since d7 < d9. But at that time A7 will be depleted, and then Early will charge the last $10 of the cost of E2 to A9.

First Level will charge $40 of the cost of E1 to A7 and $20 of the cost of E1 to A9, leaving both account balances at $60. The $50 cost of E2 will be split evenly by A7 and A9, that is, each of these account pays $25, leaving the account balance of each account at $35.

For each of the algorithms Early and Level, prove or disprove that the algorithm correctly solves this problem

(20 points) We consider the problem of computing the shortest common super-sequence of two sequences $A=a_1, \ldots, a_m$ and $B=b_1, \ldots, b_n$. Let T(i,j) be the length of the shortest common super-sequence of $a_1, \ldots, a_i$ and $b_1, \ldots, b_j$.

Write a recursive function in C like pseudo-code to compute T(i, j) in the naive way. Don't forget the base case(s).

Explain as precisely as you can why the running time of your function would be exponential in n and/or m for some inputs.

Write iterative array-based pseudo-code to compute T(m, n) that runs in $O(n \cdot m)$ time.

Write pseudo-code to actually find the shortest common super-sequence from your array.

Consider the following problem. The input is a sequence $x_1, \ldots, x_n$ of integers. The integers may be negative, 0 or positive. The goal is to find an increasing subsequence of maximum sum. That is, find a subsequence $x_{i_1} < \ldots x_{i_k}$ $\sum_{j=1}^k x_{i_j}$ is as large as possible. So for example, if the input was 5, 6, 9, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 4, the answer would be 5, 6, 7, 8 since this subsequence is increasing and has sum 26 (and no other increasing subsequence has sum greater than 26).

(15 points) Give an O(n2) time iterative array-based algorithm to compute the largest weight that is achievable. Note that the sum of the number may be much larger than n2, so the size of any array you use can not depend on the size of the numbers. However, you may assume the numbers are small enough to fit within a few words of memory. You should read the next subproblem before attempting this subproblem.
(5 points) Give an O(n) time algorithm to compute the actual subsequence from the table/array that you constructed in the previous subproblem.

(20 points) Consider the problem where the input is a collection of n train trips within Germany. For the ith trip Ti you are given the date di of that trip, and the non-discounted fare of fi Euros for that trip. The Deutsche Bahn sells a yearly Bahncard for C Euros that entitles you to a 50% fare reduction on all train travel within Germany within Y days of purchase. The Deutsche Bahn also sells a monthly Bahncard for D Euros that entitles you to a 10 Euro fare reduction on all train travel within Germany within M days of purchase. You may have both a monthly and a yearly Bahncard, and the yearly Bahncard discount applies first. Assume for simplicity that the possible dates of travel are just represented by the integers $1, \ldots, k$. So if you have trip scheduled on day di with fare fi, this trip will cost

The problem is to determine the cheapest possible cost to take your trips. You need not actually compute when to buy the various Bahncards. Give an O(n3) time algorithm for this problem.

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Kirk Pruhs