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CS 1510 Midterm 1

Fall 2000

(40 points) We consider the following problem:

INPUT: A collection of jobs $J_1, \ldots, J_n$, where the ith job is a 3-tuple (ri, xi, di) of non-negative integers.

OUTPUT: 1 if there is a preemptive feasible schedule for these jobs on one processor, and 0 otherwise. A schedule is feasible if every job job Ji is run for xi time units between its release time ri and its deadline di.

We consider greedy algorithms for solving this problem that schedule times in an online fashion, that is the algorithms are of the following form:

t = 0;

while there are jobs left not completely scheduled

        pick a job Jm to schedule at time t;

        increment t;

One can get different greedy algorithms depending on how job Jm is selected. For each of the following method of selecting Jm, prove or disprove the that resulting greedy algorithms produce feasible schedules, if they exist for the jobs being considered.

Among those jobs Ji such that $r_i \le t$, and that have not been scheduled for enough time units, pick Jm to be the job with minimal deadline. Ties may be broken arbitrarily. We call this algorithm EDF.

Among those jobs such that $r_i \le t$, and that have not been scheduled for enough time units, pick Jm to be the job that has minimal remaining processing time. Ties may be broken arbitrarily. If a job have been executed for y time units before time t, then its remaining processing time is xi -y. We call this algorithm SRPT.

As an example of EDF and SRPT consider the following instance: J1=(0, 100, 1000), J2=(10, 10, 100), J3=(10, 10, 101), and J3=(115, 10, 130).

EDF runs J1 from time 0 through time 10. From time 10 until time 20, EDF runs J2 because J2's deadline, 100, is less than J1's deadline, 1000, and less than J3's deadline, 101. From time 20 until time 30, EDF runs J3 because J3's deadline, 101, is less than J1's deadline, 1000, From time 30 to time 115, EDF runs J1. From time 115 to time 125, EDF runs J4 since J4's deadline, 130, is less than J1's deadline, 1000. EDF then runs J1 from time 125 to time 130. Thus for this input, EDF finishes all the jobs by their deadline.

SRPT runs J1 from time 0 through time 10. From time 10 until time 30, SRPT runs J2 and J3 (either can go first) because through out this time period, J2 and J3's remaining processing times are always equal and less than J1's remaining processing time, 90. From time 30 to time 115, SRPT runs J1. From time 115 to time 120, SRPT runs J1 since J1's remaining processing time throughout this period is smaller than J4's remaining processing time, 10. From time 120 to 130, SRPT runs J4. Thus for this input, SRPT finishes all the jobs by their deadline.

(20 points) Consider the following problem of computing the optimal binary search tree that we covered in class, and that is covered in the text:

INPUT: Probabilities $p_1, \ldots, p_m$

OUTPUT: The minimum expected depth of a binary search tree with n keys, $K_1 < \ldots < K_n$, given that Ki is accessed with probability pi.

Recall that the expected depth of a key is given by the formula

\begin{displaymath}\sum_{i=1}^n p_i \cdot {\rm depth}(K_i)\end{displaymath}

Note that we are only interested in computing the expected depth, not the actual tree. Assume that the depth of the root is 1. Let MIN(i, j), $1 \le i \le j \le n$ be the minimum expected depth for keys Ki through Kj.

Give a recurrence relation for MIN(i,j).

Give convincing evidence that if the recurrence was implemented in C in a naive recursive manner that the running time of the resulting algorithm would be exponential in n.
Now consider MIN as an array. Give iterative array-based pseudo-code to fill-in the entries in MIN.

Use this code to compute the remaining entry in the following table when p1=.4, p2=.3, p3=.1 and p4=.2. Show your calculations. Assume the pre-computed entries are correct.

  j=1 j=2 j=3 j=4
i=1 .4 1 2  
i=2 UNDEFINED .3 .5 1.5

(20 points) Give an algorithm for the following problem whose running time is bounded by a polynomial in n+L.

INPUT: A set positive integers $X= \{x_1, \ldots, x_n\}$, and a positive integer K.

OUTPUT: 1 if there exists a subset S of X, and 0/1 variables $y_1, \ldots, y_n$ such that

\begin{displaymath}\sum_{x_i \in S} (-1)^{y_i} x_i = K\end{displaymath}

and 0 otherwise.

Here $L= \sum_{i=1}^n x_i$ is the sum of all the xi. So in words, you have three mutually exclusive choices for each number xi:

So if the input was $X = \{ 2, 6, 7, 9, 11, 14\}$ and K= 8, you algorithm should output 1, since one could take $S = \{ 2, 7, 11, 14 \}$, y1=1, y3=0, y5=1 and y6=0, and get -2 + 7 - 11 + 14 = 8.

(20 points) Give an algorithm for this problem whose running time is bounded by a polynomial in n.

INPUT: Intervals $(a_1, b_1), \ldots (a_n, b_n)$ over the real line and a positive integer L such that for all i, $1 \le i \le n$, it is the case that 0 < ai < bi < L. That is, all intervals start after time 0 and end before time L. Think as each interval (ai, bi) as being a request for a room from time ai to time bi.

OUTPUT: A non-intersecting sub-collection S of the intervals that minimizes the maximum contiguous time that the room is empty between time 0 and time L. That is, assume that

\begin{displaymath}S = \{ (a_{i_1}, b_{i_1}), \ldots, (a_{i_k}, b_{i_k}) \}\end{displaymath}


\begin{displaymath}0 < a_{i_1} < b_{i_1} < a_{i_2} < b_{i_2} < \ldots
< a_{i_k} < b_{i_k} < L\end{displaymath}

Then the maximum contiguous time that the room is empty is

\begin{displaymath}\max [ a_{i_1} - 0, L - b_{i_k},
\max_{1 \le j \le k-1} (b_{i_{j+1}} - a_{i_j})]\end{displaymath}

As an example, consider the input $\{ (2, 5), (3, 9), (7, 10), (2, 11), (15, 20), (18, 49), (34, 44) \}$ and L=50. One feasible solution would be $S =\{ (2, 5), (7, 10), (15, 20), (34, 44) \}$. For this S, the room would be empty during the following time intervals (0, 2), (5, 7), (10, 15), (20, 34), (44, 50). Thus the longest time the room will be empty is the 14 time units between time 20 and time 34. There is no claim that this S is the optimal S for this input.

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Kirk Pruhs