Screenshots of the Pseudocode Tutor Environment




Basic components:

The user interface consists of three windows: a mini-browser (containing background information), a dialog window (where the student and tutor interact), and a pseudo-code construction area.

Things begin in the dialogue window.  After a content-free request, the student suggests a program goal and is then asked how that goal might be reached.  Once the idea is in place, the tutor asks the student to suggest pseudocode steps (each of which may require subdialogues to refine or correct).  When a correct step has been suggested, the tutor creates a "tile" containing the text of the step, and the student subsequently drags and drops that tile into the body of the solution.  A remedial dialogue can ensue here as well if the student misplaces the step (e.g., incorrect indentation).


  • Screen Shot #1
    This takes place during pseudocode construction. The student has just identified a correct step, and the tile has been created and is awaiting placement.
  • Screen Shot #2
    Again during pseudo-code construction, just further along. You can see the overall program structure forming.
  • Screen Shot #3
    A completed solution.
  • Video clip of pseudocode creation (>2MB)
    Watch a student drag and drop several tiles - this is sped up because dialogue is going on between each step.

For problems or questions regarding this page, contact H. Chad Lane
Comments and suggestions are also welcome.
Last updated: 01/23/03,