
Oct 17 15:03:20 EDT 2001


Code/Notes Sp # Utterance
T 9 alright let's do an example.
T 10 If we start at 6 what comes next?
S 11 3
T 12 good. next?
S 13 10
T 14 after that?
S 15 5
S 16 16
S 17 4
S 18 8
T 19 good. Any need to keep going?
S 20 8 not 4
T 21 no sweat. got it.
S 22 4 after 8
S 23 that's it
T 24 why is it ok to stop there?
S 25 because 4 is one of the numbers in the ground state
T 26 right on. Using the counting rule you read aobut how many items were in that sequence?
S 27 7
T 28 good. And what was the largest element?
S 29 16
T 30 ok I think you've got it. I may refer back to this example later.
T 31 Let's start writing the program. What is the first thing it should do?
S 32 have the user pick a positive integer
T 33 (tile created) ask the user for a positive integer
S 35 (tile placed)
T 36 great. what next?
S 37 call a procedure with the steps to figure out the hailstone sequence
T 38 yeah we could do that but for the pseudo-code let's just focus on the steps we need to do.
S 39 find out if the number is odd or even
T 40 good.
T 41 we'll do that for sure but to be complete can you suggest a variable name for this user input?
S 42 InitialNumber
T 43 sounds good... actually I'm going to cut off "Initial" for you because we'll use it for more than just the first one.
T 44 (tile created) read user input into Number
S 45 ok
S 47 (tile placed)
T 48 now we'll check to see if it is odd or even. Which one would you like to handle first?
S 49 odd
T 50 (tile created) if Number is odd then
S 52 (tile placed)
T 53 what should we do to number if that turns out true?
T 54 (tutor comment) i will make a lot of connections implicit in the tiles this time.
S 55 Number * 3 plus 1
T 56 good. We'll just reuse Number for the destination.
T 57 (tile created) Number is assigned Number * 3 plus 1
S 59 (tile placed)
T 60 remember to indent the body of an if.
S 62 (tile placed)
T 63 nice.
T 64 ok if Number isn't odd it must be what?
S 65 even
T 66 (tile created) else
S 68 (tile placed)
T 69 and then for that case?
S 70 Number div 2
T 71 (tile created) Number is assigned Number div 2
S 73 (tile placed)
T 74 looking good so far.
T 75 what needs to be done next?
S 76 we need a loop
T 77 good idea. Let's work on the condition of the loop first.
T 78 we need to loop while what is true?
S 79 while Number <>4 2 or 1
T 80 good! In words we can say while it is not in the ground state.
T 81 (tile created) while Number is not in the ground state do
S 83 (tile placed)
T 84 (HINT in Pascal a set will be very useful here)
T 85 ok... now let me ask about where you put that tile.
T 86 Do you think you'll want to check Number to see if it is odd or even again?
S 87 yes
T 89 good. Sequences can be pretty long.
S 90 (tile placed)
T 91 So... you might as well reuse the tiles that do that check.
T 92 Which means you'll want to move that while tile up so that the if-then-else is part of the loop body.
S 94 (tile placed)
T 114 actually... want all of those indented to show they are in the while. Here I'll select them you drag them over.
S 116 oh
S 118 (tile placed)
T 122 perfect.
T 123 click in an open area to deselect everything.
T 126 sorry. open on the drawing area.
T 127 ok usually with a loop we need to mark the end. so here's that tile.
T 128 (tile created) end while
S 130 (tile placed)
T 131 very good.
S 132 can you just put end instead of end while
T 133 sure! Pseudo-code is up to the person writing it. The only reason I put "while" there is to make it obvious.
S 134 ok
T 135 sometimes there will be lots of ends floating around.
T 136 now we'll pause and take a snapshot. This program will generate an entire series. Not too bad eh?
T 137 could you type that into the description box and click on the snapshot button?
S 138 that cool
S 139
T 143 looks great!
T 144 now we'll keep working... what should we tackle next?
S 145 when we reach the ground state we need to count how many numbers are in the sequence
T 146 good idea. So we'll need a variable to keep the count.
T 147 what would you like to call it?
S 148 totalnumbers
T 149 total sort of implies a sum. anything else come to mind?
S 150 Items?
T 151 not bad... how about itemCount?
S 152 sure
T 153 can you tell me how we can use itemCount to count up the items in a sequence?
S 154 I'm not sure
S 155 make a procedure to do it
T 156 so tell me when you said there were 7 items in our example earlier how did you know?
S 157 I just counted them by hand
T 158 unfortunately our program cannot do it that way at least not in any easy way.
T 159 so can you think of a different way to count? A way that doesn't require you to look back over your work?
T 160 It's ok... let's go back to the example.
T 162 If we start at 6 how many items so far?
S 163 1
T 164 good. you said 3 is next. How many items now?
S 165 2
T 166 after that is 10. takes us up to 3.
T 167 and so on.
T 168 so rather than count 'em up when we're done we keep track of it as we go along.
S 169 ohhh!
S 170 do we need to make another variable then?
T 171 we can just use itemCount. What should we initialize it to?
S 172 Number
T 173 whoa... so Number in our example was 6. Do you want to start off saying there are 6 items?
S 174 No I mean if the user enters 6 then ItemCount will be 1
T 175 got it. Good.
T 176 (tile created) initialize itemCount to 1
T 178 you'll need to move some tiles around.
S 179 (tile placed)
T 215 what do we do next?
S 216 what does initialize mean?
S 217 in Pascal
S 218 is that a reserved word
T 219 it just means to assign a value to a variable. no it's just a word.
T 220 in Pascal (I'll cave this once for you) you'd just just say itemCount = 1;
S 221 got it
T 223 can you tell me what we need to do to itemCount?
S 224 after we have ItemCount we need to find the largest number in the sequence
T 225 eventually yes. But we've only intialized itemCount. There is more work to be done.
T 226 how is it ever going to go up to 2? 3? 4? etc. as we build the sequence?
S 227 we have to assign it a new value every time
T 228 good. what new value?
T 229 How many new elements do we see each time through the loop?
S 230 1
T 231 so what should we do to itemCount?
S 232 add 1 evry time
T 233 absolutely!
T 234 In programming the word that means "add one" is increment.
T 235 (tile created) increment itemCount
S 237 (tile placed)
T 238 think hard about where you want that tile.
T 239 remember "each time through".
S 241 (tile placed)
T 251 that looks almost perfect. Right now it sort of looks like the increment is part of the else.
T 252 Could you move it over one line to the left?
S 254 (tile placed)
T 255 good. then the end tile should line up with the while.
S 257 (tile placed)
S 258 sorry
T 259 not at all... you're doing a great job.
T 260 ok we've initialized the count added 1 each time through and so what do we need to do for the user after the loop is over?
S 261 print out ItemCount
T 262 (tile created) print out ItemCount
S 264 (tile placed)
T 265 looking good.
T 266 ok let's pause to take a snapshot.
T 267 We just added a little code to handle counting.
T 272 In the description box could you type something about counting and do the snapshot?
S 273 how about "find Item Count"?
S 274 "find total items in sequence
T 275 pretty good... even more general would be good too like "count the items in a sequence".
T 279 I need to take a quick peek.... hold on.
T 284 great.
T 285 Ok you mentioned it earlier. What is left to do?
S 286 find largest number in sequence
T 287 yep. So like the count we just can't scan all the items when we're done and magically pick out the largest.
T 288 we'll need to figure it out.
T 289 any ideas here?
S 290 we need another variable
T 291 absolutely. any good names come to mind?
S 292 Maxvalue
T 293 cool. What should we initialize that to?
S 294 Number
T 295 awesome. In a way we'll assume the first value is the largest and then go from there.
T 296 (tile created) initialize MaxValue to Number
T 298 you'll need to move some tiles around to fit it in.
S 299 (tile placed)
T 336 looks very good to me.
T 337 now when will MaxValue change?
T 338 if at all?
S 339 when Number is greater than the first value entered
T 340 well... perhaps true sometimes.
T 341 MaxValue will hold the largest we've seen so far.
S 342 that
T 343 that starts out as the starting number.
S 344 that's what I mean
S 345 if we have 6 Maxvalue won't change until "Number" becomes greater than 6
T 346 right. So let's do that example. 6 is first it is also the max.
T 347 what's after 6?
S 348 3
T 349 so 6 stays as the largest.
T 350 after 3?
S 351 10
T 352 yep. is 6 still the largest?
S 353 no
T 354 good. we update the largest to be 10.
T 355 ok after 10?
S 356 5
T 357 yep. 10 holds on.
T 358 next?
S 359 16
T 360 ok new largest?
S 361 that is the max
T 362 yep. Now did you compare 16 with 10? or 16 with 6? to know that?
S 363 compare 16 with 10
T 364 absolutely.
T 365 So inside our loop we'll need to compare Number with MaxValue. but how?
S 366 relational operators
T 367 which one? and how?
S 368 if Number > MaxValue then MaxValue = Number
T 369 good!!!
T 370 (tile created) if Number > MaxValue then
S 372 (tile placed)
T 398 hold on... more work to do in there.
S 401 (tile placed)
T 403 (tile created) MaxValue = Number
S 405 (tile placed)
S 418 if Number < MaxValue then MaxValue = MaxValue
T 419 I see where you're coming from but since MaxValue will already hold the largest there is no need.
S 420 oh
T 421 Let me arrange your tiles just a bit. We want to make it clear that the max comparison is unrelated to the even/odd part.
T 423 (tile placed)
T 434 look ok?
S 435 looks good
T 436 one last thing to do then. We had to do it for count as well. Do you see it?
S 437 we need to print out MaxValue
T 438 (tile created) print out MaxValue
S 440 (tile placed)
S 442 don't we need to have something if the User enters one of the numbers in the ground state as the first number
T 443 Well suppose they do. What if they type 4 into Number at the top.
T 444 What happens in the program?
S 445 it skips the loop
T 446 good.
T 447 printing out 1 as the count and 4 as the max.
T 448 which is correct.
S 449 ok
T 450 that's it! This code now finds the maximum in a sequence. Go ahead and do the snapshot