CS401 - Preparing for Exam 1

The first exam will be on Monday, June 11 and will be worth 150 points.  Everyone should be able to complete the exam in 75 minutes (although this can be extended if necessary).  NO MAKE-UP EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN.

To get ready for the exam, you should review the following:

  • chapters 1 - 4 in the textbook (minus EZ Windows material)
  • solutions to projects 1 and 2
  • your notes and check online notes 
  • labs 0 and 1
Anything from the assigned readings, class, labs, and programming projects is viable test material.

Be prepared to do these things: 

  • Explain some ideas in words (no formal/verbatim definitions will be requested, just be able to identify key ideas) 
  • Write code (functions, variable declarations, expressions, etc.) 
  • Read code (follow and determine output, spot errors) 
There could be just about any kind of question: a few true/false, a few multiple choice, some short answer (including short code segements and
one or two sentence explanations), and a few larger, more involved questions.  Some of the questions will be straightforward (either you'll know the answer or you won't), but others will require you to apply the programming skills you've been learning.

Here are few specific suggestions on what to do:

  • Do the Self-check quiz 1 and check your answers.
  • Go through the "Points to remember" sections at the end of each chapter, they are nice summaries of the material.
  • Pay sufficient attention to the problem solving examples from the textbook (like those in sections 3.4 and 3.7... there are more like this).  Many students mistakenly underestimate the importance of examples like this.
Good luck studying.
Last Updated: 6/3/01 by H. Chad Lane, hcl@cs.pitt.edu
© 2000-2001 Jim Skrentny, University of Wisconsin